Chapter Twenty-One

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I couldn't think straight after Sophia told me what happened to her. I just kept picturing all the things that guy did to her.

I was shocked I never noticed anything was wrong when all of that happened to her. We lived right beside each other and saw each other at school every day and I was blind to her suffering the whole time.

Guilt ate me alive for never catching on to what she was going through. And to make matters worse I only added to her suffering by arguing with her all the time.

I was an awful person.

Now, more than ever, I wanted to help her get through all of this. I wanted to make her forget all about that guy, I wanted to make her nightmares stop, I wanted to make her feel safe. And I owed it to her.

My job was to make her life normal. To eliminate that guy from it forever. Whatever it took.

But how?

I could tell by the way she acted that she felt safe around me, so maybe a good starting point was to stick close to her. The more she felt safe the easier it would be to heal.

But that wasn't going to stop the nightmares and make her forget about what happened to her.

Maybe if I...

No. That would never work.

But it was the only choice I really had.

The only way Sophia would be able to forget about her crazy ex was to replace him with someone good. Someone to comfort her when she got sad, someone to cuddle her at night and chase away her nightmares, someone to replace all her horrific memories with good ones.

She had to fall in love with someone that would treat her right and keep her safe.

I had to date Sophia Mackenzie.

My former enemy.

The only girl that could ever really get under my skin.

The only girl I'd ever paid attention to.

The only girl I would ever do this for.

It sounded simple enough, but this was Sophia we were talking about here. Nothing was ever simple with her.

Was I even good enough for her to fall for? Would she be open to the idea of being with me? And what if I ended up falling for her instead? What if I was the only one that caught feelings?

I guess that was just a chance I had to be willing to take. Anything to turn her life around and rid her of the demons that haunted her.

But what about her daughter? She was very sick and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I couldn't help Sophia with that aspect of her life.

I still couldn't wrap my head around her being a mom. How could no one know about the pregnancy? How was it kept hidden so well?

I did remember freshman year when she did a student exchange program, was that a cover up for the pregnancy? It lasted long enough that it would be the perfect story.

It did seem abrupt that she suddenly left for the program partway into the year, typically it would be at the beginning of a semester.

Everything was making so much sense now.

But what about-

Buzz buzz.

My phone broke me out of my deep thoughts and I was thankful for it. My head was starting to hurt from all the thinking. I looked down at the lit up screen and a text flashed back at me.

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