Chapter Three

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"No way! You're the luckiest girl in the world!" Candy screeched.

I had just told the table what happened in Environmental Awareness class. Most of them were shocked that Mr. Devil would put Damon and I together for a year, but some people, like Candy, were ecstatic.

"Maybe he could even sit with us at lunch, so you guys could work on your project of course." She rambled on.

"That isn't possible, they're fighting for most popular, which means they have to sit at different tables." Kyle interjected.

"Well it's obvious that Damon will win, so why doesn't he sit at our table?" Candy reasoned in that sickly sweet voice of hers. Even when she insulted you it sounded like a compliment. It was a gift for her and a curse for everyone else.

"Actually, so far Soph is in the lead." Garrett, captain of the swim team and my best friend, defended me.

I shot him a thankful smile in return. I would have stood up for myself and pointed out that I was winning, but I didn't want to sound rude or cocky. If I was anything but super nice to people they'd think I was fake and stop being friends with me. I couldn't afford that when the contest with Damon was on the line. So Garrett usually said the things I couldn't.

Sometimes I wished I could speak my mind more, it got exhausting being so nice you practically became a doormat for people to walk all over. But at least I had my best friend to look out for me.

"Whatever Garrett, you're just saying that because you're in love with her." Candy shot back.

If there was one thing I knew about Candy, it was that she hated being wrong. And she'd say anything to get her way.

"I love her as a best friend, but I'm not in love with her." Garrett replied calmly.

This conversation was nothing unusual for us, we hung out all the time so people just assumed we were secretly dating or something.

What they didn't know was that Garrett's gay. I was the only one who knew and he made me swear on my mother's grave that I wouldn't tell anyone.

Candy just rolled her eyes and went back to picking at her uneaten salad while she gossiped with the other cheerleaders.

"Why can't a guy and a girl be best friends without everyone thinking they're together?" I asked rhetorically.

"I hear you." Garrett replied, bumping my shoulder with his.

I shook my head sadly, disappointed in society for always assuming things, and took a big bite out of my pizza slice.

"Are we hanging out today after school?" Garrett asked.

I swallowed my food and nodded, "I wanted to bring you for a Tori visit, she misses you."

Garrett nodded and went back to eating.

Suddenly the cafeteria went silent.

I looked around to see why everyone stopped what they were doing and after a moment my eyes finally fell on what everyone else was already staring at.

There, at the entrance of the cafeteria stood someone I hadn't seen since freshman year.

There he stood, in all his glory - Dylan Russo.

Although he still had his shaggy blonde hair and bright green eyes, he'd definitely changed. Gone were his braces and skinny limbs, and in their place were perfect white teeth, and muscles that any guy would kill for. They weren't too big and bulgy but they weren't non-existent either. They were just perfect.

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