Chapter Thirty-Three

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It had been two weeks since Damon and I made our relationship official, and maybe a week and a half since we told the whole school. It was total chaos for the first week after we told everyone, but everything had finally calmed down now.

As each day past my feelings for Damon grew stronger, and even though nothing had changed between us, it felt like everything was different. And in a way it was different, I was in love with him. There was a weight on my shoulders to tell him how I felt, but I was too scared to say the words out loud. It would crush me if he didn't feel as strongly for me as I did for him.

And on top of the worry of possible unreciprocated love, Damon was the first person I'd fallen in love with since him. I knew Damon would never do what he did to me, but I couldn't shake the feeling that once I told Damon how I felt all hell would break loose. A small part of me was scared that I was the problem, and anyone I loved would turn into a psychopath. 

Maybe I should just keep my feelings to myself for a while, and only tell Damon I loved him if he said it first. And maybe I didn't even have to wait very long to have that conversation, he missed our class together but texted to tell me he wanted to talk alone during lunch. If he was planning to tell me what I hoped he was, I would have one less thing to worry about. 

Telling your girlfriend you love her in a school hallway during lunch wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but Damon wasn't known for being overly romantic so I wasn't bothered by it.

As I walked through the hallway trying to find Damon a new worry popped into my mind. Were we moving too fast? Usually couples waited a while before they said they loved each other, and I was already in love with him after only a couple weeks. I didn't want us to be the couple that everyone secretly talked about and made fun of because we were getting serious too quickly. 

I shook my head, frustrated at my own thoughts I needed to calm down. Why should I care about what everyone else thinks? This was between me and Damon, it was no one else's business.

"Hey Dam Dam." I greeted my boyfriend when I finally found him outside the cafeteria.

Boyfriend. It was still shocking to me that Damon Blake was my boyfriend.

"Hey Sophia." He replied, not calling me by his special nickname, much to my disappointment.

"We need to talk." We blurted out at the same time.

I shook my head and smiled, while Damon just looked nervous.

"You go first." He offered.

Everything I thought through on the way here, about letting him tell me how he feels first, completely left my mind. This was my chance to tell him that I loved him, even if it was too early to say it.

"Okay um. I- I'm." I'm in love with you Damon Blake.

I couldn't say it. I was a coward.

"I know what you're trying to say." He whispered.

I let out a big sigh, he didn't sound mad. I was so relieved he understood me.

"You're cheating on me." He finished, his gentle tone getting cold and harsh.

"I knew you would under- wait what?" I said, only halfway through my sentence did what he say process in my head.

"I know you're cheating on me with Garrett." He accused, his tone matter-of-fact.

"I'm not cheating on you with Garrett!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

I would never do that to Damon, and with Garrett? C'mon, he's my best friend, and he's not even interested in girls. If anyone would cheat with Garrett in this relationship it would be Damon.

"It makes sense. When we weren't in a relationship your focus was fully on me, but now that you have what you want, my appeal is gone. You're bored of me and need a change, so you went to Garrett." Damon rambled, waving his hands around as he spoke.

"That doesn't make any sense. Garrett is my best friend, and I'd never cheat on you!" I yelled, looking around to see if anyone was witnessing our fight. Thankfully we had migrated away from the cafeteria and into an empty hallway.

"Why have you spent so much time with Garrett since we got together then, huh? And why have you cancelled on me multiple times to be with him?" Damon questioned harshly.

"I missed hanging out with my best friend, so we were playing catchup." I explained, making my voice as calm as possible because I didn't want to make this scene any worse.

"Candy told me she saw you kissing him." Damon said smugly.

Of course Candy would tell him that, she wanted him to be her boyfriend and that couldn't happen if he was dating me.

"I don't like Garrett like that and he most certainly doesn't have any romantic interest in me, I can assure you of that." I replied, hoping Damon would just drop it and move on. But if there was one thing I knew about Damon, it was that he almost never just dropped it.

"How do you know he's not interested in you? You're beautiful, smart, funny, kind. Everything a guy wants in a girl." He shot, still very angry.

In any other situation I would have blushed at the compliments, but not now.

Sorry Garrett.

"I'm going to tell you something, and you have to promise not to tell anyone." I said quietly, grabbing Damon's arm and dragging him close to me so that if there was anyone around, they wouldn't hear what I was about to say.

Damon ripped his arm out of my grasp and took a step away from me, "Why should I listen to you? You're a lying cheate-"

"Garrett's gay." I blurted, louder than I should've, interrupting the mean things Damon was in the process of saying.

"He's gay?" Damon asked in disbelief, standing there with a dazed look on his face.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone that. It'll ruin his school life and he'll hate me forever." I told Damon, giving him a serious, and a little bit threatening, look.

"So you really didn't cheat on me." He whispered, relief and guilt washing over his face.

"I told you I didn't." I mumbled, feeling hurt for the first time since he accused me of cheating. The anger I previously had not protecting me anymore.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry. I promise that'll never happen again, and I won't tell anyone about Garrett." Damon apologized, wrapping me in a comforting hug and whispering 'sorry' over and over into me ear.

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