Chapter Twenty-Four

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She said yes.

She said yes?

Holy shit she actually said yes!

Once Sophia and I said our goodbyes and were both back in our own houses I kind of freaked out. If you counted jumping in the air and fist pumping as freaking out. I just couldn't believe she said yes.

The plan to make her fall for me was all coming together so much easier than I expected it to. First the kiss and now a date, Sophia was making it too easy. If I didn't know any better I'd think she had a plan of her own that she was executing. But she didn't have any reason to go out with me, it wouldn't benefit her in any way except if she was just genuinely interested in me.

But now that she said agreed to a date, where the hell was I supposed to take her? And I never gave her a time or date. I was so nervous asking her out that I couldn't think clearly. I was just expecting her to reject me and make me feel like an idiot, so when she said yes I was so happy it completely slipped my mind to plan out a when or where the date would take place.

I'd never been so nervous to ask a girl out before, but that was probably because every time I had in the past I knew they would say yes. But with Sophia I had no idea. I kind of liked it like that though, she made me work for it which made it feel worth it.

Taking other girls out was easy, they weren't hard to impress so I never had to stress about the details, but for Sophia I had to actually think things through. I needed to impress her.

I had to take her somewhere fun and surprising, but still slightly romantic. What could possibly be all three of those in our crappy town?

Then an idea hit me. The perfect idea. I knew exactly where I was going to take Sophia, and she would love it.

I went to my computer to look up the weather for the next couple days and to my delight tomorrow was going to be nice and warm. Perfect. And it was the weekend so I didn't have to worry about planning around school. Everything was working out perfectly.

I shut down my computer and flopped down on my bed, taking my phone out so I could text Soph.

To: Sweetheart

You free for our date tomorrow at 11:30?

I hit send and waited for her reply, hopefully she was available.

Ten minutes passed and still no reply, I was starting to get worried. What if she changed her mind and didn't want to go out anymore?

But why would I care if she changed her mind? I was just doing this to help her, it wasn't not like I even wanted to go on the date with her.

You want to go on this date more than she does, stupid. An annoying voice in the back of my mind pointed out.

That was absolutely not true. If she didn't want to go out anymore I didn't give a damn.

The buzzing of my phone broke me from my thoughts and once I realized it was a text I rushed to open it, hoping that it was Soph.

From: Sweetheart

I'm free. Where do you plan on taking me?

I shook my head at her reply, typical Sophia, always curious and asking questions.

To: Sweetheart

That's for me to know and you to find out ;)

Once I hit send I checked the time, seven o'clock already? Time flew today.

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