Chapter Twenty-Six

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To say Monday morning was crazy would be a big understatement. Damon insisted on driving me to school, and wouldn't take no for an answer, so we arrived together.

Under normal circumstances that wouldn't be a big deal, but to the school is was. To them Damon and I were still enemies. Two people that argued every chance they got and competed for being liked by the most people.

So just imagine the student body's reaction when I showed up at school with Damon.

Chaos, total chaos.

And rumours.

It started small, most people thought we were pulling some elaborate prank on everyone, or that I was paying Damon to be nice to me. But it quickly got out of hand when people began saying Damon got me pregnant.

Where did they come up with this stuff? Instead of making things up why didn't they just ask us directly?

I was surprised I didn't hear anything guess that we just became friends. Was it so hard to believe that Damon and I could actually tolerate each other?

By the time lunch rolled around I'd heard just about every theory anyone could possibly come up with besides the actual truth. And when Damon sat down beside me, instead of at his table, everyone was left speechless.

The people at my table gawked at us like we were replaced by aliens, and I was started to become very annoyed by all the attention. Why couldn't everyone just mind their business?

"What the hell are you doing?" I furiously whispered to Damon, quiet enough that no one else could hear.

"Sitting with my girlfriend." He replied just as quietly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm not your girlfriend!" I exclaimed, shrugging his arm off. Unfortunately I forgot to keep quiet. Everyone's attention was immediately back on us.

"But you went on a date with me." He pointed out, unfazed by all the unwanted listeners.

"So? That doesn't mean I'm your girlfriend." I replied, shooting him a glare before looking away. I knew our table was listening in, but now I saw that the whole cafeteria's eyes were on us. If we ever planned on keeping out date a secret, that wasn't an option anymore.

"Wait, you guys are dating?" Candy exclaimed, pointing an accusing manicured finger at us.

"No!" I exclaimed at the same time Damon said "Yes."

I shot him another glared that told him to shut the hell up.

Just because we went on one date didn't mean we were dating.

Candy gave us a confused look, "So you guys aren't dating?"

"We're not dating." I clarified loudly so everyone could hear.

"If you guys aren't dating why are you suddenly so buddy buddy then?" Someone shouted.

"We're trying to get along so we can get a good mark on our project." I answered whoever asked the question.

After that everyone went back to their lunches and the attention was finally no longer on me and Damon.

I briefly looked over at him, sitting tenser than I'd ever seen him before.

Ten minutes later and he still looked like he was in a bad mood. He hadn't said a word to anyone even when they tried to talk to him, and it was starting to bother me.

"What's your problem?" I whispered to him when I couldn't take it any longer.

He looked over at me and glared.

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