Chapter Twenty

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I spent all of Sunday moping, but how could I not when Tori was in a coma and I couldn't visit her?

Everything going on recently with all the Dylan drama and now Tori getting worse was really catching up to me. I hadn't felt this depressed since I found out Tori had cancer.

Monday I didn't feel any better, and that was only made worse by the fact that I had school. I didn't know if I could keep up a positive, kind act around so many people today.

And on top of that I had to see Damon. After our fight on Saturday, and after he overheard who Tori really is to me, I didn't know if I could face him yet.

I felt so bad for how I treated him that day. All he wanted to do was help me, he even admitted that he cared about me, and what did I do? I pushed him away like I do with everyone else.

I wanted him to help me. I wanted to tell him everything, but it was hard. There was so much I hadn't told anyone. I was afraid that if I said it all out loud it would open all my newly healing wounds. The only time my past plagued me was when I slept and I couldn't afford to invite it back into my conscious life.

But I had to get it off my chest. I'd been carrying it around for three years and I couldn't do it anymore. I had to trust somebody with all this baggage and Damon willingly volunteered. I just had to find the courage to tell him.

I took a deep breath to rid myself from all my stressful thoughts, it would do me no good to think about everything during school.

With one last deep breath, I pulled myself together and got out of my car.

Everyone stared at me like usual, but instead of looking at me with admiration and envy, they were looking at me with concern and confusion.

I didn't blame them, I was dressed in a sweater and jogging pants. I didn't even bother to brush my hair properly, it looked like I just rolled out of bed. I'd never been quite this careless about my appearance before.

Once I made it through the doors whispers erupted behind me, no doubt about how I looked. I couldn't find the energy to care.

I made it to my locker and opened it to get everything I needed for class, but a quick glance at my tiny mirror made me freeze. I knew I looked bad but I didn't realize the severity. My eyes were bloodshot and the purple bags under them stuck out harshly against my sickly pale skin.

I shouldn't have come to school today.

I slammed my locker shut with more force than needed, which caused the people around me to jump.

I almost laughed at their fright but a sudden wave of sadness washed over me before I could. How could I even think about laughing when Tori was in a coma?

I sighed and went to class.

Today was going to be a long and painful day.

- - - - - -

I managed to get through my first class without snapping at anyone, but I didn't know if I could keep to myself much longer. There were countless rumours flying around about why I looked like such a mess.

I heard everything from 'Dylan broke up with her' to 'She's pregnant.' It was actually comical, in a sick way, to hear all these things people came up with because nothing was even close to the truth. The truth was so much worse.

I was about to stomp into Environmental Awareness class when someone caught my arm and spun me around.

"We need to talk." Damon said calmly, releasing my arm.

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