Chapter Seven

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"Star, how could you do this to me?" He demanded.

"Do what?" I hadn't done anything wrong.

His eyes darkened,"You're cheating on me"

"What! With who?" I exclaimed. That was a complete lie, I'd never do that to him.

"Some boy named Dylan. A friend of mine saw you two together looking rather friendly." He spat.

"B-but that's a lie! I would never cheat on you, I love you!" I tried to tell him but he wasn't listening.

"Who's Dylan? How is he so much better than me, that you would choose him over me?" He demanded, rising his voice for the very first time at me.

I cowered away. I'd never seen him like this and I was terrified.

"H-he's my best fr-friend." I stuttered.

"Don't lie to me! I know you're lying!" He screamed, rising his fist and swinging it towards me.

I cried out in pain and shock as his hand connected with my jaw.

I couldn't believe he hit me, I thought he loved me.

Tears of pain and heartbreak started falling down my cheeks as I tried to curl up as small as possible, hoping to disappear.

"I'm telling the truth." I sobbed.

"You're a lying, filthy bitch. I can't believe I love a disgusting human like you." He spat.

Love? This wasn't love. If he loved me he'd never hit me.

There was no more words exchanged after that. His punches said it all. Then he took out a knife. I whimpered and tried to crawl away but he quickly pinned me on my stomach.

I screamed as I felt a blade cut into my back, but it didn't last long because the pain knocked me out.

I shot up in bed, tears and sweat dripping down my cheeks.

I hadn't had a nightmare in five months, why was this happening again?

A glance at my alarm clock told me it was six in the morning. Late enough to get up but too early to get ready for school yet.

I looked around my room for something to distract me, anything to get my mind off the dream, and Antonio the bonsai tree caught my eye.

I remembered Mr. Willis telling us that talking to our tree could be very therapeutic so I decided to give it a try. I explained my nightmare to the tree, and when I was finished I actually felt a little bit better. I liked how I could tell Antonio about my past and I wouldn't get a look of pity from him. He wouldn't tell me how sorry he was, and he wouldn't treat me like I was about to break into a million pieces.

I hated when people did that. I was still the same person, I didn't change much after everything happened. Maybe I buried it so deep I convinced myself it never really happened. Only when I slept was I reminded it was all real.

That was why no one knew what happened to me, I didn't want to face the pity and concern. I didn't want people to act different around me, afraid that I would break down if they said or did the wrong thing.

The more I pretended like it didn't happen, the less he held over me. I wouldn't let him control my life.

I looked over at my alarm clock again and it was already seven twenty-five. If I didn't start getting ready now I'd be late for school.

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