Chapter Sixteen

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Why does my bed feel so small? Why don't I have my favourite pillow? Where's Mr. Teddy?

I felt around my bed, trying to find my stuffed friend, but found nothing.

I groaned and rolled over, only to fall on the floor.

What the hell?

I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing that I wasn't in my house at all, but in Sophia's living room.

The memories from last night came rushing back to me.

Sophia and I hanging out and getting along, singing together, playing never have I ever, seeing Sophia internally freak out when I asked one question in the game, and finally the almost kiss.

I still couldn't believe I almost kissed her, it made no sense. Just a few days ago we completely loathed each other and now we were almost kissing? How did that happen?

Maybe I dreamt up the whole thing? But how did that explain why I was currently laying on her living room floor?

Okay so maybe I didn't dream it up.

I got back on the couch and checked my phone for the time, seven o'clock in the morning.

Perfect timing, I had time to get ready for school. But first I decided to make breakfast.

My stomach growled as I walked into the kitchen and began looking around for everything I needed to make bacon and eggs.

After going through just about every cabinet, I finally had what I needed to make some food.

I was just finishing up the bacon when Sophia walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy head." I greeted teasingly, flashing a smile her way.

She looked really cute with her bed head hair and half closed eyes. She looked like a tired puppy.

I shook my head to clear my crazy thoughts when I noticed what I was thinking. What had gotten into me?

"Morning." She mumbled, taking a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island.

I turned back to the bacon and put it onto a plate after turning off the stove.

"Hungry?" I asked as I divided the food onto two plates.

"Always." She replied with a bit more energy than before.

I placed her plate in front of her and mine beside her.

"Milk? Juice? Water?" I asked, opening the fridge.

"Orange juice please."

I pulled out the beverage and grabbed two cups before I plopped down beside Sophia and poured us each a glass

After that we both dug in.

Not to toot my own horn or anything but breakfast turned out delicious, if I do say so myself.

"This was so good, where did you learn how to cook?" Sophia asked as she finished off the last of her eggs.

"My mom taught me a thing or two." I told her, popping a piece of bacon into my mouth.

"Well she should teach me how to cook, I'm useless in the kitchen." She admitted with a laugh.

I fake gasped. "No! Isn't it against the law for a woman to be a bad cook?" Sarcasm dripped from every word.

She chuckled and hit my arm. "Not nice."

I sent her a smile and stood up.

"Are you done?" I asked, nodding in the direction of her finished breakfast.

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