Chapter Thirty-Six

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"I'm ashamed of myself for loving you." She whispered.

The blood drained from my face and for a second I really thought I was going to pass out.

I stood there, paralyzed in shock, as she walked away. And I didn't go after her.

Her words kept echoing in my mind. 

She loves me?

Loved a voice in my head sneered.

How could this happen? How could things come between us so easily. It seemed like we were always fighting about something, but this time felt different. This time felt final. 

We used to enjoy arguing when we hated each other, but everything was different now. Sophia didn't leave with steam coming out of her ears, she left with tears falling down her cheeks.

She sounded so tired of all the pain. The very thing I tried to protect her from. 

My heart sank lower with every second that past after she walked away. I knew we might be broken forever.

"Whatcha staring at?" Someone suddenly asked, causing me to jump a foot in the air.

"Oh I didn't mean to startle you." They said apologetically, coming to stand in front of me.

I knew before I saw, that it was Candy, but seeing her face had me clenching my fists in an attempt to keep from taking my anger out on her.

The last person on earth I wanted to see right now was her. 

"What do you want." I said slowly between clenched teeth. I had no patience for this right now.

"I know it's not your fault Garrett's dirty little secret got out." She said, ignoring my question.

I couldn't deal with her right now. I needed to leave before I lost my temper. 

"It was her fault!" She called after me as I stormed down the hallway. 

I froze mid-step, which was enough encouragement for her to continue.

"I heard her scream it in the hallway. The next time she wants to tell a friend's secret, she might want to whisper." Candy explained as she caught up to me.

It took me a second to register her words because I couldn't believe someone would do something so evil. 

"Now we can be together." Candy concluded quietly, putting her hand on my arm.

I shoved it off and spun around to face her. I'd never hit a girl before, I didn't believe in that, but right now I was seriously considering it. So before I could do anything I may or may not regret, I walked over to the lockers lining the wall and punched one as hard as I could.

A loud rewarding bang echoed through the hallways, followed by the sound of Candy's heals as she ran away.

I probably terrified her. Maybe she'd finally leave me alone for good.

Now that I was on my own again the anger seeped out, replaced by a pain in my chest I hadn't felt in a long time.

I sat down with my back against the locker I punched, and put my head in my hands.

What the hell was I supposed to do now? If I told Sophia what Candy said, she wouldn't believe me. So how was I supposed to get her back?

And would she even want me back?

'We're done'

'I don't deserve this and you don't deserve me'

'You're just like him'

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