Chapter Twenty-Three

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Today I would finally get to see my angel. I was so excited to see Tori's beautiful face and hold her little hand. I just wished she would wake up so I could see her eyes too.

This morning I got up bright and early so I had a lot of time before Damon picked me up at noon. Even though I knew I didn't need to get all dolled up to see Tori, since she wasn't awake, I still felt like I had to.

The little voice in the back of my mind told me the real reason was because I would see Damon, but I shooed the irritating thought away immediately.

Why would I want to look good for him? I had no reason to impress him and I never cared about what he thought of me before, why would I start now?

It wasn't like I had feelings for him or anything. He was just a friend I had to be cautious about, that was all.

But if I didn't like him, why had I been thinking non stop about the kiss since it happened? It was the last thing I thought of before I fell asleep and the first thing that popped into my head when I woke up, even before the thought of visiting Tori.

Because you like him that stupid voice in the back of my mind whispered.

That was impossible, I would have to be crazy to like him romantically. But then again, I was practically having a conversation with myself at the moment so maybe I was losing my mind a little. But that still didn't mean I had feelings for Damon.

I needed to stop thinking about all of that before I gave myself a headache. Damon would be over soon and I had to finish getting ready.  I didn't want to be late to visit Tori.

Although I woke up early specifically to get ready, that plan didn't exactly succeed. I was too busy lost in my confusing and troubling thoughts to make any real progress in looking presentable.

I quickly slipped on a black tennis skirt and a white oversized jumper that I paired with white sneakers. The outfit was more girly than I'd usually wear but I felt both cute and comfortable, the best of both worlds.

I wondered if Damon would like it?

Why did I suddenly care what he thought about my clothing? His opinion didn't matter to me, never had and never would. So why did that question cross my mind?

Maybe I was just feeling a little bit out of my comfort zone in the skirt and wanted the approval of someone else?

Just as I finished loosely curling my hair the doorbell rang. Perfect timing as always, if it was Damon.

My heart began racing because I couldn't suppress the impossible idea of him being at the door, but when I realized how ridiculous I was acting my heart continued to beat rapidly for a whole different reason.

I told myself it was the excitement for visiting Tori, but I knew deep down a little part of it was because Damon was here.

I gave myself one last look over and nodded in approval, then raced downstairs to answer the door.

I swung it open and just like I thought, it was Damon.

"Hey." I greeted casually, looking up at him, but he wasn't paying attention because he was to busy running his eyes up and down my body.

"Like what you see?" I teased, suppressing a smirk.

He finally looked me in the eyes and said "Yes, a lot actually."

At first I thought he was joking but the look in his eyes told me he was dead serious, which had my cheeks flaming.

"Whatever." I mumbled, not knowing how to take a compliment from him.

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