Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My eyes opened as the first rays of sunlight flooded into my bedroom and I groaned when I looked over at my alarm clock and saw an ungodly early time blinking back at me. I threw my blanket over my head to hide from the light and attempt to go back to sleep but the nerves knotting my stomach were relentless. I was never going to get back to sleep when I already knew what today had in store for me. 

My date with Damon yesterday went really well. I enjoyed it more than I wanted to and that made my feelings for Damon real and final. When he dropped me off last night we decided that today we would tell everyone at school the truth about us. 

It terrified me, but I was willing to do it for Damon. It seemed like I would do a lot for him these days.

How had that happened? How had he become so important to me? Not that I minded, I wouldn't want it any other way if Damon couldn't be in my life.

Eventually after multiple failed attempts to fall back asleep, I got up and ready for the day. I tried to take my time to distract from the nerves but that didn't work well and soon I was downstairs and ready to go. 

I fidgeted with the end of my shirt as I anxiously waited for Damon to pick me up, and decided to look myself over one more time to make sure I looked okay.

I turned to the mirror beside the coat closet and studied my outfit. The oversized baby blue jumper and white tennis skirt was on the girlier side, but I paired it with white sneakers to make it a bit more casual. It was one of my favourite outfits and I made sure to wear it today so less people had a reason to say I wasn't pretty enough for Damon.

I always felt more confident in an outfit like the one I was currently wearing and I needed all the confidence I could muster up today. I knew some people would hate me for being with Damon. They would probably say I wasn't good enough for him, and maybe I wasn't, but I chose to believe I was.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves, and it worked pretty well until I heard a knock at my front door.

My heart was racing as I opened the door and saw Damon waiting on the other side.

"Hey gorgeous." He greeted as his eyes glided up and down my body.

"Hi." I muttered back, not able to think of a witty comeback with all the nerves clouding my mind.

"Ready to go?" He asked, gesturing towards his car.

I nodded and locked my front door behind us before getting into his car.

On the way to school Damon tried to make small talk but I wasn't really in the mood, so I kept giving him one word answers.

Once Damon parked his car and cut the engine he turned to face me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerns written all over his face.

"Just nervous I guess." I replied vaguely.

"About telling everyone what's going on between us?" He guessed, and there was a hint of hurt in his voice.

"What if everyone hates me or doesn't think I'm good enough for you?" I explained, finally saying what was on my mind.

"That's not gonna happen, everyone loves you. If anything, I'm not good enough for you." He told me, reaching over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"You're right, I'm way too good for you." I teased, a grin spreading across my face. I was finally feeling more at ease. Why should I care about what everyone else thinks anyway?

"Now let's get this show on the road." He said as he stepped out of the car. He even hurried over to my side to opened the door for me.

"Let's do this." I muttered to myself, taking Damon's outstretched hand.

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