Chapter Six

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I was the talk of the school. Well, not just me - Dylan was too. This morning he surprised me by showing up at my house and insisting on taking me to school, and of course I accepted his offer.

As soon as I got out of his car the rumours started flowing. The two most popular ones were we were either dating or I was his new play thing, which didn't make sense because Dylan wasn't a player. None of these people even knew him yet, how could they possibly jump to that conclusion?
But they weren't far from being wrong about us dating. Dylan and I did go on a date, but we aren't officially dating yet.

And to add fuel to the fire Dylan held my hand as we walked into the school. It was pretty obvious that something was going on between us. And the school knowing about it didn't seem to phase him. And it certainly didn't bother me either.

After he dropped me off at my first class the day started to go by fast. In Environmental Awareness I barely noticed Damon brooding beside me, I was so preoccupied hoping the rumor of Dylan and I dating would come completely true.

Once it was lunch, to my utter shock, Dylan sat right beside me. At my table. He chose me over Damon.

I shot smug smiles over to Damon's table whenever he was looking, which was more often than not since he was content with glaring at me the whole lunch period.

"So everyone's been wondering, are you two dating?" Garrett inquired, always the one to ask the questions no one else had the guts to.

Everyone at the table instantly perked up and gave us their full attention.

I was about to say "no", but Dylan spoke first.

"Yes." He answered.

It took me a second to realize what he said. My eyes widened in shock and confusion as I snapped my head in his direction.

"We are?" I whispered, so only he could hear.

"Yeah. I mean we've been on a date and kissed, I see that as dating."

I nodded in stunned agreement. I didn't think this would all happen so fast. He only just came back into my life. I wasn't going to complain though, this was what I always wanted.

He put his arm around me and leaned down, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm glad you're my girlfriend."

By now the whole cafeteria was looking at us in shock. They probably all saw the kiss.

I guess the rumor was confirmed now.

I felt someone burning holes in the side of my head so I turned to see who was staring at me.

Damon was the culprit, shooting the deadliest glare he could muster up at me and Dylan. Or maybe just me. Why was he so mad?

After lunch I stopped off at my locker to grab some books. Dylan tried to come with me but I told him to go ahead because I didn't want him to be late.

Just as I was about to close my locker a hand came out from behind me and roughly slammed it shut.

I spun around and came face to chest with a very angry Damon.

"I tell you to stay away from Dylan and what do you do? You become his girlfriend. What the hell?" He fumed, blue eyes blazing with anger.

I rolled my eyes. "When do I ever listen to you?"

"That's not the point. I know that you're only dating him for popularity." He accused.

"For your information, I actually like Dylan, a lot. In fact I've liked him since the fourth grade, not that it's any of your business." I shot back.

Where did this guy come up with his theories? He made absolutely no sense.

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