Chapter Twelve

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I was in full on panic mode as I drove back to school.

Damon saw me.

What was I supposed to tell him when he asked why I was there? He couldn't find out about Tori, no one could. All anyone knew was that I had a little sister, that was it. Other than Garrett and my family, no one knew that Tori was sick.

I could already imagine what life would be like if he found out.

First he would pretend he was sorry for me to see if he could get more information out of my, then he would tell the whole school about Tori. And knowing Damon, he'd probably bend the truth and tell everyone I did something to put her in the hospital.

Then everyone would hate me, Dylan would break up with me, and Damon would win our little popularity contest.

Life would suck, I'd get depressed, I'd start failing school because I didn't want to go and be harassed everyday by the people that once liked me.

And when I failed school I wouldn't be able to get into a good college, which meant I'd have to get a job at McDonalds.

I'd move into a tiny, rundown apartment that wouldn't have electricity due to the little money I'd get from my job, and by that point I'd be single because no guy would ever date me.

So I'd die alone in my tiny apartment and no one would even notice I was gone because they'd still think I hurt Tori so bad she had to be hospitalized.


I jumped when I heard the loud horn of the car behind me.

Why the hell did they honk at me?

I looked around to see what I was doing wrong, and realized that the light was green.

I pressed my foot to the gas pedal and continued my way back to school with my head cleared of all thoughts. The whole car honking incident ended up taking my mind off of the scene at the hospital, so I guess I had the people behind me to thank for being so rude.

The rest of the drive back to school was peaceful and relaxing. I didn't need to worry about seeing Damon until tomorrow so why should I panic today anyway?

I pulled into the school parking lot just as the bell signalling the end of lunch rang.

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How could I forget about detention?

It was the end of the school day for everyone else except for me and the other unfortunate people that had to stay back an extra hour.

Stupid Damon and his stupid talking in class that started our stupid argument that landed us in stupid detention.

Today was completely stupid.

I was sluggishly walking to detention when a thought hit me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks in horror.

If Damon and I both had detention today he would have the chance to ask me why I was at the hospital earlier today.

What did I do to deserve this? Was I cursed?

All I wanted to do was go home and sleep,  but instead I had to go to detention and sit through a Damon interrogation.

I was doing some serious sulking as I walked into the detention room. I looked around, desperately trying to find someone I could talk to the whole time so Damon wouldn't approach me, but there was no one in the room besides the teacher.

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