Chapter Seventeen

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Today was Dylan's big game, and if I was being honest I wasn't even a little bit excited.

Ever since Damon and I began getting along I'd been losing my feelings for Dylan. I just didn't like him as much as I used to, but I still liked him enough to date him. Relationships were hard work, I just needed to put in more effort.

It would be easier if we spent more time together though. We'd only been on one date and hung out a few times. Dylan always seemed to be busy, the only time I saw him was at school or the occasional group event like the party.

At this point Damon and I had spent more time together. And I think I enjoyed Damon's presence more. I didn't feel pressure to be a perfect girlfriend around him, and he always asked if I wanted to do something whereas Dylan told me what to do. I felt more freedom around Damon.

And I liked that I could argue with Damon without the threat of losing him. Our roots were arguing, it was what we were good at, so even now that we got along better we still argued like nothing changed. The only difference was that we weren't quite so mean to each other.

If someone would've told me a month ago that Damon and I would be spending almost every day together, and that I would enjoy his company, I would've laughed in their face and brought them to a mental hospital.

"You excited for tonight's game?" Garrett asked, startling me.

I was currently in my bedroom, thinking instead of getting ready like I was supposed to be doing.

"How did you get in?" I asked, I knew for certain that I didn't let him in and there was no one else in the house.

"The spare key under the flower pot by the front door." He explained as he plopped down onto my bed beside me.

"Oh yeah" I forgot I showed him where the spare key was hidden.

"So back to my earlier question, are you excited for the game? Because I sure am!" Garrett said happily, lightly bouncing on the bed beside me.

Sometimes he really reminded me of a toddler with how excited he got for simple things.

I nodded my head with fake enthusiasm "I'm more than excited for the game."

"Me too! Oh wait, I already said that." He squealed.

I smiled at his excitement and felt it rub off on me a little bit. His upbeat mood was infectious.

I did feel guilty for lying to him, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I didn't want to ruin his excitement.

But if it were Damon asking me, and I gave him the answer I gave Garrett, he would see right through my lie immediately. He was always good at reading me.

"Girl why do you keep spacing out? You need to get ready so we can leave." Garrett said, waving a hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Okay, okay. I'll get ready." I mumbled as I got off my bed and headed to my closet.

I changed out of my shorts and tank top and into a pair of jeans and black hoody. If I had to sit through a basketball game I was going to be warm and comfortable.

I stepped out of my closet so Garrett could examine my outfit, when he nodded in approval I slipped on a pair sneakers and walked downstairs with him.

We decided to take Garrett's car in case I had to go somewhere with Dylan after the game. I didn't want to leave Garrett or my car stranded at school.

Before I knew it we were at school and walking towards the back. Unlike other schools, ours had a really good outdoor basketball court that we used for games instead of the gym one.

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