Chapter Nineteen

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Today the only plans I had were to visit Victoria. I felt really bad that I hadn't gone to see her in a week. I should be visiting her every day, not once a week. Who knows how much time I have left with her.

The thought of her not being here one day killed me. What if she didn't make it to her next birthday? It wasn't fair for a child so precious to go through something so horrible.

Shaking all the depressing thoughts away, I walked out of my house. Today was a beautiful sunny day, Tori's favourite. It broke my heart that she wasn't able to play outside on days like today.

I looked towards Damon's house for a moment, briefly wishing he knew about Tori so he could come with me to see her. Sometimes I didn't know if I could look at her without totally breaking down. But if Damon was there with me I knew I'd be able to hold myself together.

But I couldn't tell him, I couldn't tell anyone. The only people that knew about her condition were my family and Garrett. And of course the doctors but they didn't count.

I let out a nervous sigh as I slid into my car. Every time I made my way to the hospital I got scared and wound myself up expecting the worst when I stepped into her room. Thoughts of 'what if she got worse?' and 'what if she's dead?' plagued my mind and I tried to push them to the back of my mind.

I know I should be positive, it would be better for my sanity, but that simply wasn't possible. It's impossible not to worry and think up worst case scenarios when a person you love is sick.

Still deep in my troubling thoughts, I pulled into a parking space and made my way into the hospital.

I checked in at the front desk and was eventually standing in front of Tori's door. Every movement I made was robotic, it felt like I was on autopilot.

Like every other time, I took some deep breaths before I could enter the room, but instead of working up the courage to open the door I just felt a sinking dread start to take over my body. Something felt wrong.

Blind panic snapped me into action and I swung the door open. My eyes quickly found Tori peacefully sleeping in bed with more tubes than normal attacked to her frail body.

A nurse was sitting on the chair beside her bed, which surprised me, usually the nurses just came and checked up on her every once in a while. They never stayed.

My panic rose when I noticed the pity in the nurse's eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked, just above a whisper as my heart raced in my chest. I was terrified.

"This morning while Victoria was eating her breakfast she suddenly had a seizure, it was bad that she fell into a coma but we don't suspect any brain damage." The nurse explained sympathetically.

I started shaking my head side to side. This couldn't be happening. The nurse was lying. She had to be lying. Tori was just napping.

"Why are you lying to me? Why would you do that?" I yelled as tears pricked my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I had nothing to cry about, Tori was fine. The nurse was pulling a horrible joke on me.

"I'm sorry but I'm not lying," She said harshly. The earlier sympathy was completely gone from her demeanour, now replaced by annoyance.

"Yes you are, you have to be." I whispered.

Tears I tried so hard to fight started falling down my cheeks as I realized the truth. The nurse had no reason to lie to me.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, all this commotion is not good for the patient." She said sternly.

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