Chapter Nine

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Why the hell did I do that? Why did I punch my best friend? And for the girl I hated? I was so stupid. So damn stupid.

Ever since I dropped Sophia off at her house I'd been beating myself up over what I did. What had gotten into me? When Sophia told me what Dylan did I was overcome with rage.

But he really shouldn't have tried to force himself on her, even if he was drunk. They'd been dating for what? Two or three days? Why was he pressuring her like that? No one should ever be forced into doing things they don't want to do.

The more I thought about it the more I wanted to punch him some more, but at the same time he was my best friend. I didn't want to lose him. Maybe he learnt his lesson.

It would kill me if I lost him by defending the person I hate most in the world. Hopefully he'll forgive me when I apologize to him at school on Monday. I would make amends earlier but I wanted to give us both some time to calm down first.

I sighed in frustration at the whole situation, but with a plan coming together in my mind I was finally able to fall asleep just as the sun was coming up. 

- - - - - - - - -

"Wake up Damon, you know you're not allowed to sleep in until noon!" Mom shouted from somewhere downstairs, most likely the kitchen. She practically lived in there, always cooking or baking the best tasting food in the world. I was lucky to have such good meals, the only thing that would make things better was if she let me sleep past noon.

I groaned and dragged myself out of bed and into my bathroom so I could take a quick shower to fully wake up.

Once I was done I threw on a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt, happy with how I looked as I ruffled my quickly drying hair. For some reason girls seemed to love the disheveled look, but it made my life easier so I wasn't complaining.

Finally feeling fully awake, I rushed downstairs and into the kitchen where, of course, mom was.

"Good afternoon sweetie." She greeted me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed "How many times do I have to ask you not to call me sweetie?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to get up at a normal time instead of in the afternoon?" She countered playfully.

I cracked a smile, she always knew exactly what to say to lighten my mood.

"What do you plan to do today?" She asked, placing a sandwich on a plate and handing it to me.

I shrugged and took a bite out of the delicious piece of art before replying "Just chilling at home."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, I raised you better than that." She scolded, gently slapping my arm.

I have her a sheepish smile and went back to eating, but not before seeing an adoring smile stretch across her face.

After I was done I decided to go for a run, a guy's gotta keep in shape right? I didn't want these abs of steel to fade away. Ladies loved them.

I went up to my room to change into black basketball shorts and strip off my shirt. It was too hot out to wear a shirt while running. I didn't know how girls did it, always wearing a shirt. If it were up to me I'd let them go around topless all the time, and most of the male population would agree.

I again rushed down the stairs and quickly made my way outside. I was excited for my run, I hadn't had one in a week or so and it was just what I need to sort and gather my thoughts.

I started jogging down the road and around a random corner, my mind drifting off to the events of last night. All beginning with Sophia crashing into my and bawling her eyes out. The concern I felt when I saw her like that was disturbing, and the need to comfort her was unreal. Why did I suddenly feel all those things for her? I made girls cry all the time and I'd never felt sorry for them. But maybe that was because I made them cry by turning them down, and I wasn't even rude about it so I had to reason to feel bad.

But suddenly along comes Sophia with tears soaking her beautiful face and suddenly I feel all this concern and sympathy.

Wait, did I describe her face as beautiful? What was wrong with me? She was gross. Ugly. I'd thought so since the fourth grade.

Get it together Damon, you hate Sophia. Nothing has changed. I tried to tell myself.

But if I hated her so much why did I make it my mission to make her smile? I went as far as embarrassing myself by dancing like an idiot just to make her laugh. What the hell was wrong with me?

This run wasn't doing me any good. I was more confused now than when I started.

Maybe if I just stopped thinking about it, and pretend like it never happened, everything would stay the same and any concern I had for her would never happen again.

I was so lost in thought as my shoes slapped against the sidewalk that I didn't notice the person in front of me until I'd already ran right into them.

"Crap, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking down at the blonde girl I knocked over.

I stuck out my hand to help her up but she didn't take it. Instead she stood up and turned to face me.

I froze when I finally saw her face.

Sophia freaking Mackenzie. The girl that had been on my mind since last night.

"You should really watch where you're going." She teased, rising a perfect golden brow.

The thing that shocked me the most was the playfulness in her tone instead of the pure venom and hatred that was usually present.

"Yeah, I should probably work on that." I replied, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"Oh my god, is the great Damon Blake at a loss for insults?" She yet again teased, shooting a smug grin my way.

Why was she in such a good mood? It was freaking me out.

"Why are you being sorta nice?" I asked instead of playing along with her teasing.

She looked me in the eye as her face grew serious. "I just thought that I could be nice for a day since you were nice last night. I never got to thank you for all that, so thanks."

The sincerity in her tone and eyes was shocking. Who knew she could be nice?

"It was nothing." I told her, shrugging off her thanks.

"Um, I should get going." She said awkwardly, point with her thumb over her shoulder for some reason.

"Yeah, me too. See you around."

And with that I jogged away in the opposite direction she was heading.

That encounter was very strange. I didn't know what happened back there, but one thing I knew for sure was that if she kept acting like that, I wouldn't mind her company so much.

And that terrified me. 

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