Chapter One

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There are triggers in this book so if you're sensitive to sexual assault and violence please read at your own risk! I won't be upset if you don't read, taking care of yourself is more important ❤️


"I hate you!" I screamed to none other than Damon Blake, the guy I'd loathed since the fourth grade.

He scoffed "I wouldn't want it any other way."

I rolled my eyes and stormed away without another word. I had to get away from that jerk before I ripped his head off and fed it to a dog. He wasn't worth the criminal record I'd get from that.

As I made my way through the halls of Oakville High I found myself thinking about how I started hating Damon in the first place.

I barely knew he existed until one day in elementary school, after I kissed Dylan Russo on the cheek for giving me a flower, Damon came up to us and asked Dylan why he was hanging out with such an ugly girl.

Being the immature fourth grader I was, I ended up stomping on his foot and stating that he was more ugly than me.

From that point on we were sworn enemies and everyone knew it. We competed with each other every chance we got, and constantly picked on each other about anything from bad hair days to the colour of shirt we were wearing.

Even the teachers knew not to put us in the same class because it would only result in us disrupting the other students with our bickering.

It was only the first day of senior year, first class hadn't even started yet, but we'd already gotten into an argument. I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if we were stuck in the same room for an hour every day.

I stuffed everything I didn't need in my locker and slammed the door shut just as the bell rang, signalling that I needed to head to class.

I had been in a good mood since I was finally a senior, only one more year until I could get away from here, but my argument with Damon soured my mood. That was the effect he had on me - the smallest thing like one wrong glance from him, and I wanted to rip someone's head off. Preferably his.

Luckily I had my favourite class first; photography. That lifted my mood and cleared my mind from any thought of Damon.

I wanted to do something in the artistic field after high school so I'd taken every art course possible during the three years I'd been attending Oakville High, and photography resonated with me in a way nothing else ever had. There were moments in life I wished I could stay in forever, but that wasn't possible, so looking at a picture of one of those moments was the closest I'd ever get to reliving it. I made it my mission to capture the most beautiful moments so others could live them when they needed an escape from the real world.

I walked into class, greeted with a wave of hellos, and I smiled politely back at everyone even though I didn't know who some of them were.

Once I started high school I grew fairly popular, but so did Damon which made us hate each other even more. We made it into a competition of who could become more popular. I was the nice girl that treated everyone kindly while Damon was the guy that shot spitballs at teachers and flirted with almost every girl.

We'd always been tied for popularity, but this year would be different. I'd win and never let him live it down.

If it weren't for the competition I wouldn't care at all about popularity, but my need to beat Damon trumped everything else. 

- - -

I happily walked into my second period class, environmental awareness, and sat down in the middle of the room. I was in a much better mood after taking some pictures, and as a bonus I didn't see Damon in the hallway since our little argument. There weren't many things that ruined my mood so easily, but he was definitely one of them. 

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