Chapter Two

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I was in my room after dinner, just doing my homework and minding my own business when loud music started playing.

I looked out my window into Damon's and saw that the music was, in fact, coming from his room.


I was about to go back to doing my homework when I saw something move. Damon sild into view, dancing around with something in his hands. I squinted to see the object and had to hold back my laughter when I realized what it was. A broom. Damon was dancing around his room with a freaking broom.

I took out my phone immediately and started video taping it. This could be used for blackmail later.

I taped five minutes worth of his goofy dancing before my arm got tired of holding my phone up.

I watched the video once to make sure it was good and laughed my butt off. At one point he even dipped the broom low and planted a kiss on it's head.

Twenty minutes later he was still dancing, so I decided to embarrass him.

Since his window was open I went over to mine and opened it to shout out "You should really give that poor broom a break."

Startled, he dropped it and spun around to look at me, but in the process of turning around he tripped and fell on his butt.

I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach and laughing so hard that I couldn't breath.

"Okay, you can shut up now." He grumbled as he stood up.

I finally stopped laughing and took a second to catch my breath before replying. "You sure do know how to embarrass yourself."

At my comment his cheeks turned a nice bright pink.

"S-shut up! You didn't see anything, you have no proof!" He stammered.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "What if I do have proof?" I asked, taking out my phone and playing the video to show him that I had all the evidence I needed.

The look of pure horror on his face was almost as priceless as his dancing.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He growled, rage darkening his blue eyes. 

I thought for sure he was going to pounce out his window and into mine, but he didn't. Instead he just walked up to his window, a smirk forming on his face.

That could only mean one thing - he was planning his revenge.

"I hate you." He said, his way of saying farewell.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I replied, and at the same time we closed our windows and made sure our blinds were shut too.

That night I went to sleep with a satisfied smile on my face.

- - - - - -

When my alarm clock went off the next morning I slammed my hand down on it with more force than necessary. But that thing had it coming, waking me up every morning with that horrible beeping.

I grumbled about how the morning always came too quickly as I rolled out of bed. For some reason I thought I would land on a floor of marshmallows, but in reality I rolled onto the hard ground with a loud thud.

I really hated mornings.

I pulled myself up off of the floor and dragged my butt over to my bathroom where I showered and got ready for the day.

I decided to leave my wavy blonde hair down, unable to easily style it because it was too long and heavy to stay in place. I made a mental note to get it cut soon as I slipped on jeans and a white jumper. Although my school had no dress code I liked to stay covered up anyway.

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