Mini Me - TS

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~Reader is 7 y/o~

"Uncle Clint ! I wanna be daddy for Halloween !!" I cheered pointing to the Tony Stark look-alike costume that hung in Walmart. Uncle Steve was acting lost, although I knew he wasn't because he knew exactly where the Energy drinks were and no one can find that in a single try, no one.

"Really Y/N ? Another Stark running around ?" Uncle Steve asks inspecting the suit, which I must say was a lot like the one dad owned. 

"They even have a fake goatee" Uncle Clint chuckles. "it's decided, Y/N wants this then we're buying this" he says and Uncle Steve shrugs

"Uncle Steve, Upsies !" I say raising my hands. He chuckles and lifts me on his shoulders. I giggle loudly.

"Where the hell did Thor run off to ?" Uncle Clint says annoyed

"Last I saw he was arguing with an employee for more pop tarts, after he swiped the whole shelf" Uncle Steve says

"Jesus this man is going to get us kicked out if he keeps doing this !" he says running off to find Thor.

"What do you say we check out with your costume and head over to the McDonald's across the street ?" Uncle Steve says looking up at me and I nod furiously.

~Back at the tower~

I was holding a coke in one hand and an Ice-cream in the other, some would say I was on a sugar high, I wouldn't say that.

"DADDDYYYYYY !!" I slurred as dad came in to view, he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Okay Rogers how many ice-creams did you buy her this time ?" he asks picking me up before I slammed in to the wall.

"7 !!!" I cheered and started laughing. "Really Steve, how are you an Captain America when you get hassled by a 6 year old ?" Nat says walking in.

"Aw come on ! She gives those damn puppy eyes and I can't resist !" he whines

"So what did you get for your costume sweetie ?" dad asks and I shake my head no. He frowns.

"Suh-rprise" I say gigling, he shakes his head smiling.

"Okay then, bed time" he says carrying me to my room.

"Night Y/n" he says kissing my forehead.

"Night Night Daddy" I say and fall asleep immediately.


(The look we be going for)

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(The look we be going for)

"You look so adorable Jr. Stark" Peter says as he perfects my hair and goatee, well the fake one.

"Thanks Peter !" I say

"Has anyone else seen you in this thing yet ?" he asks

"No only you and me" I say 

"Look I even have a arc reactor, a fake one but it'll work and Aunt Nat stole one of his glasses too" I say holding both the things in the air. His eyes widen in shock and approval.

He attaches the arc reactor to my shirt and turns it on, it glows bright blue through the shirt. I put on the glasses and give Peter a glare.

"Underoos you ready ?" I ask making Peter laugh but he played along.

"Of course Mr. Stark. Where are we going ?" he asks

"Let's go see if Capsicle is ready or not" I say as we both snicker.

"Capsicle !! Where are you ?!" I scream as we enter the room where everyone was sitting all dressed up.

Everyone's heads snap in our direction as I stand with my hands folded over my chest. I notice Clint as Elmo for some reason, Thor was Rapunzel (Sam's doing), Sam was a pigeon, Steve was Thor, Bucky was a Viking and Dad was Happy, he even had a fake hairline for it. Peter was JARVIS. 

"What in the world ?! Is that arc reactor really in you ?!" Dad says and I giggle.

"Of course not dad" I say showing him how the light turns off and on on will.

"Now, Happy get me a drink" I say and he doesn't realize I was talking to him until Aunt Nat nudged him.

"Oh oh me yeah okay" he says handing me a chocolate milk.

"JARVIS Put on some AC/DC" I say and Peter makes some weird noise before he turns on the music.

The whole night I got to boss everyone around like dad, although I've never seen anyone listen to dad like they listened to me. 

"Okay time for bed" Dad says and I pout

"No pouting now mini me" he says and I giggle at the nickname.

"Bye everyone" I yell as a chorus of 'byes' come in replies.

"You looked so adorable mini me" Dad says as I got changed into my PJs

"That means you look adorable because I was you" I say jumping in his lap.

"Well what can I say -" I cut him off before he can speak.

"I'm Tony Stark"


Smol ass chapter, something that was on top of my head for a few weeks now so I just wrote it on the spot, might edit later.

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