Choosing Sides - TS

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Requested by: BonMonster132 

I'd like it to be where I fall in love with Ultron ( Stockholm syndrome) and Ultron brags about it to my dad 

 Parent: Tony stark 

 Powers: pyrokinesis 

 Plot: Ultron kidnaps me and convinces me to go against my father. 


I knew he did something to me. I tried fighting it, I really tried. The girl with the enhancement, she was there, she did something to my brain, I know it. I felt myself slipping more and more further into it, no matter how hard I tried to jump back, something pushed me back.

"Hello, little one" Involuntarily my eyes snapped up to Ultron. His arm rested on my shoulder, the touch of the cool metal through my torn suit sending shivers down my body.

"Y/N ! Get away from him !" I slowly turned and saw a man in an iron armour standing there with a fearful gaze.

"Tony she doesn't know you. Do you little one ?" Ultron says and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Stop bullshitting me ! Y/N c'mon !" he says

"Who are you ?" I ask squinting my eyes,  his mouth falls agape as he stumbles backwards a little.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER ?!" he screams blasting energy at Ultron, I instantly jumped in between and kicked him against the wall.

"Tony !" I blonde man in a red white and blue suit helps Tony back on his feet. A woman with red hair and a suit similar to mine enters the area, followed by a man with a bow and arrow, a blonde tall muscular man with a hammer. I feel something familiar with them but i can't place it.

"He's done something to her, she under control, Thor you know anything about this ?" Tony says, glancing at the tall blonde.

"The enhanced girl, she's the one doing this" Thor says.

Suddenly a streak of silver knocks out the man with the bow and arrow. Everyone scrambles to their feet and start running around to find the two kids.

"No one should survive this war little one, it's your job to make sure that happens. After all you love me right ?" Ultron says

"Yeah" I reply taking off after the redhead, I turn the corner and it was only me and her in the empty hallway.

"Don't make me do this to you Y/N. You know us" she says

"I don't know who you are, why should I believe you ?" I ask

"Because Ultron doesn't give a shit about you, he doesn't love you ! He's using you ! Tony is your dad Y/N !" she yells, my senses clap back suddenly as I stumble a little.

"Tasha ?" I question

"Yeah, come on !" she says but another wave of red washes over me as I scream in agony.

"NO !" the redhead yells leaping forward. I hold her hands before she could hit me and flip her over. She kicks my legs knocking me off my feet as I land on the floor with a groan. I quickly stand up and she grabs me by my neck

"I really hate doing this but you leave me no other choice" she pushes me to the wall as my head collides with the metal wall.

"fuck" I mumble before everything goes black.



"Ugh" I groan as my head throbs with pain. I try to move but I notice my hands are tied to the bed. I frown and slowly open my eyes.

"She's up Stark" Thor says, his loud voice making me squint my eyes shut.

"Why am I tied up ?" I ask

"Which Y/N are we talking to ?" Steve asks as Dad steps beside me.

"What ?" I ask

"She doesn't remember" Tasha says, I look at dad and notice a bruise on his face, my eyes widen as I realize it was me who was hurting everyone back there.

"Oh my god" I breathe out as a tear slides down my cheek. He was quick in engulfing me in a big hug but I kept trying to push him away from me.

"Honey, it was not you okay ?" he says holding my hands and pushing them aside.

"He's right Y/N, nothing was your fault" Steve says rubbing my back a little to calm down the sobs.

"You're not mad ?" I ask

"No, I'm just glad you're okay, all though your head is swollen a little" he says looking at Tasha. He slowly climbs on the bed beside me as I rest my head in his lap.

"Hey ! this was the only way" she says defensively.

"Whatever you say"

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