Greetings - BB

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Request by : tantan572665

Age: 2 months

Plot- Bucky comes back to the tower from his daily walk, but this time he's not alone.


Bucky looked at you peering at him with those big blue eyes. He smiled softly and lay you on your blanket. He expertly wrapped you in a burrito. You squirmed a little until you found a comfortable position. He picked you up and placed you against his chest. He kissed the top of your head and started walking back to the tower.

"Oh my god ! Your daughter is so cute !" an old lady stopped and pinched your chubby cheeks, he liked the comment and the sound of - his daughter - but he didn't like the pinching cheeks thing especially when you started enjoying that, he huffed.

He fell in love with you the moment he held you in his arms, he still couldn't wrap his head as to why would someone leave such a cute little baby like that. He stepped in the elevator, he buzzed with anticipation because he had absolutely no clue how everyone would react.

"Hey Bu-" Steve stopped abruptly when his eyes fell on you, cuddled to Bucky's chest. He scurried closer to take a good look and make sure his eyes weren't betraying him.

"Oh my Buck who is this ?" he asked softly rubbing your almost bald head.

"I found her abandoned near an alley, no one was around and it was awfully dangerous so I brought her here" he says

"Good choice metal arm" Tony says walking closer to the three of you. He smiled and poked your nose, and when you smiled he grinned proudly.

"What's her name ?" Clint and Natasha asked 

"Y/N" Bucky replied and everyone hummed in approval.

"Little Midguardian !" Thor boomed literally snatching you from Bucky's arms, you stared at the huge man in front of you. Thor made stupid faces and you finally settled with the feeling of so many people around you.

Everyone took you in their arms, even Vision and Loki, and played with you. It was Steve's turn and he was acting like an excited 5 year old.

"Hey doll" he cooed as Natasha placed you in his arms. You instinctively rested your little head on his chest.

I like this hooman. He's warm.

He gently rubbed your head and kissed your forehead, you looked up at him and smiled toothlessly. He chuckled and kissed your nose making you scrunch up your face.

Everyone noticed the shift in Bucky's expressions as soon as he saw you snuggle and smile with Steve.

"Are you jealous Buck ?" Nat whispered in his ear making him go red with embarrassment.

"N-No" he stuttered but he knew too well that Nat wasn't buying his lies, especially when they were so bad.

"Aw C'mon metal arm, it's okay I'd be jealous too if I had a daughter this cute" Tony encouraged.

Steve was oblivious of the conversation taking place near him, he was more mesmerized by your little face and captivating blue eyes.

"Okay enough, I'll take her to bed now" Bucky finally announced, Steve pouted but handed you to Bucky.

Bucky placed pillows on your side and laid down himself on the other side. He held you close. His eyes were wide when you held his metal arm in your small hand. He tried prying your firm grip but gave up when he saw how comfortable you were.

"Goodnight doll, I love you"



Nat smirked and whispered to Steve.

"You better maintain a distance from Y/N if you don't want to get your ass beat"

"Language, also what ?"

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