Inattentive - {SR}

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Requested by : Vilmiiss 

Reader has ADHD {Adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder}

Reader is 15. {Reader x Peter Parker}


Y/N sat in the corner, her leg bouncing up and down restlessly. Her eyes darting everywhere except at the board. The teacher had been noticing her odd behavior since the past whole week, so had her classmates. Y/N was not the one to snap or be mean to anyone but that had changed.

"Ms. Rogers are you with us ?" the teacher asked and her head snapped in her direction. 

"Y-Yeah s-sorry" she stuttered. 

Her baby blues met a pair of worried hazel eyes. Peter was looking at her with a look of intense worry. She looked away trying to focus on whatever was being taught.

After the class ended, peter walked over to Y/N who seemed to be lost.

"Babe ?" he called out, she slowly turned to face him.

"The class is over" he said stating the obvious. She looked shocked for a moment, before gathering her stuff.

"Are okay Y/N ?" Peter asked. Y/N stopped and turned to him, her face scrunched up.

"I'm FINE OKAY ?! NO NEED TO BE SO CARING ALL THE TIME !" she yelled and walked away. Peter stood there stunned. He obviously knew something was wrong, but it still hurt.

He sighed sadly and walked to the next class.



Steve, Tony, Bucky, Nat and Wanda walked into Y/N's school. One of her teachers had called them to talk about something important. She didn't specify what it was, causing Steve's anxiety to skyrocket.

"Mr. Rogers ?" a woman asked, Steve nodded slowly.

"Hi, I'm Emma, Y/N's Math teacher" she says and he shakes her hand. She guides all of them in a small office.

"What happened ? Is Y/N okay ?" Steve blurted. Emma sighed and shook her head.

"Lately I've been noticing a few changes in her behavior. She's become a lot more restless, her attention span has reduced to that of a fly, she always seems lost, and she seems very self conscious" she says

"What ?" Nat asks still a little in disbelief. 

"Yeah, an my guess is that maybe she is suffering from ADHD." she says and Steve's eyes widen, so does everyone else's.

"It is not easy being a teenager and dealing with ADHD, if she is in fact suffering from it. You should get her tests done, and if the results come out what we fear, you have to make sure she doesn't feel less motivated or self conscious because I've seen children who have the same problem, their health keeps deteriorating up to the point where no one can help them. I will make sure she gets proper help in the school."

"I'll give you some time to discuss the matter" she says slowly walking out. Steve sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair.

"Steve, hey" Nat says as she notices a tear slip down his cheek. 

"Hey man, it's going to be okay" Bucky says

"We're here for her" Tony adds.

"We will make sure she feels comfortable talking about this matter" Wanda says.

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