Love - BB

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Requested by : yourfriendly0nerd


"Okay Y/N, you can do it" I reassured myself as I trekked to dad's room.

What if he gets mad ? or worse, leaves me ?

"No, No, don't think like that" I said shaking the thoughts out of my head. I took a deep breathe before knocking on his door. A slight shuffle of feet was heard before he opened the door.

"Hey, what's up ?" he asked, as I nervously fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt.

"Um-C-Can I talk to you for a sec ?" I ask barely casting a glance at him.

"Sure doll, come on" he says pulling me in and I could feel the concern slowly making its way in his tone.

He pulls me to his side, I sigh and look up. 

"What's wrong sweetheart ?" he asks brushing stray hair out of my face. I lean in to his touch as a small smile graces his lips.

"I-I wanted t-to um- tell you s-something" I say stumbling over my own words.

"I'm all ears" he says resting his hand on mine.

"Dad, I-I don't l-like boys, I'm-I l-like girls" I say looking everywhere but his eyes. My  breathing starts to quicken as no response comes from him, not even a disappointed sigh.

"I'm sorry" I mumble making a mad dash out of his room back to my room. Once the door closes, I slide down crying silently. I was so exhausted by everything that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.



Bucky was pacing worriedly in front of all the Avengers in the common area. 

"I should've assured her that I was not disappointed" he sighs running a hand through his hair.

"Where is she now ?" Tony questions

"Upstairs, sleeping" Wanda replies, as she was the one who had gone to check on her.

"Why was she scared though ?" Steve asks arching his brow, earning a slap on his arm by Nat.

"It's not easy coming out of the closet, especially when you're a teenager. The whole world is on your head, ready to condemn you for one wrong move you make and in between all of this when she manages to talk about her sexuality, there's people who question that. She was scared that we'll not look at her the same way" she says

"We have to assure her that we will always love her, no matter what" Bruce says and Bucky nods.

"You're right, we have to talk to her tomorrow" Bucky says and everyone nods. Slowly everyone files into their rooms for the night.



I dreaded this morning and everything about it. The last thing I want to do is be in front of people. But my growling stomach had other plans. I sighed and slowly stumbled into the kitchen, secretly hoping that everyone was either asleep or at work but much to my dismay every single one of them was there.

"Good Morning !" Wanda greeted awfully cheerful, not exactly my mood right now.

"Morning" I mumbled sitting beside Uncle Steve. He smiles and ruffles my hair a bit.

"What's for breakfast ?" I ask quietly as I notice none of them were eating.

"Chocolate chip waffles and Orange juice" Dad says placing a plate of waffles in front of me. Tears pool in my eyes as I see the top waffle covered with rainbow sprinkles and 'It's Okay' written on the white plate with chocolate syrup.

I leap on dad and hug him tightly as he rocks me back and forth, his hand running through my hair.

"Y-You guys a-are not m-mad ?" I croak looking at everyone. They smile and shake their heads firmly.

"Nope, you will always be our little Y/N, no matter what or no matter who you choose to love" Uncle Tony says kissing the top of my head. Tasha and Wanda engulf me in a hug and I smile widely.

"Never think that we'll be disgusted, we love you" Uncle Steve says wrapping his arms around me. I smile and nod.

"I love you guys too"

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