New Book Announcement - 🖤

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Like I said before, everyone who follows my Instagram would know about the second book before anyone else.

I announced it on my Instagram, February 12th.

To everyone else who's been waiting.... you'll now find out the title of my second book, the release date, the genre, the platforms that it'll be on, the summary & the cover of it!!

Leave your thoughts in the comments. ;)


Title ~ The Mafia Princess

Release Date ~ May 1, 2021

Genre ~ A little bit of everything.

Platforms ~ Wattpad & Chapters Interactive.


Summary ~ Seventeen year old, Lily Knight, daughter of one of the most feared men in America has been training most her life in order to take over her fathers mafia on her nineteenth birthday

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Summary ~ Seventeen year old, Lily Knight, daughter of one of the most feared men in America has been training most her life in order to take over her fathers mafia on her nineteenth birthday. Things change when Dominic Valdez shows up and enters her life, causing shocking and dangerous secrets to be revealed.


Another Thing...

I have changed some of the outfits in this book. This is the only time that I'll be doing this. If you don't like what I choose in the future... sounds like a personal problem.

If you'd like to see the new outfits, I'll put who's outfit I changed and which chapter it's on.👇🏻

Chapter 17 - Roxie & Lily's dress.

Chapter 55 - Roxie's wedding dress.


I'll see you guys in the next book but before I go, Gimme Kiss!😘

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