Chapter 11 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

Damon moves away from me and sits on the other side of the couch, staring at me with a shocked and confused expression on his face.

I couldn't blame him. I'm sure anyone would react the same way to what I just said. Hell, I would even react the same way if someone else told me this.

"I know you're confused but I promise, I'll try to answer any questions you have." I say to him as I play with my fingers.

He just looks at me without saying a word before blinking and clearing his throat, "Umm, I don't understand. How can you be a virgin if you have a daughter?"

I nod my head, expecting that to be his first question, "Well, Lily is actually my sister." He stays silent, waiting for me to continue. "Lily and I both have the same mother but different fathers. My stepdad is Lily's biological dad."

"Why isn't she with her parents?" Damon asks me in curiosity.

"When Lily was born, our mother and her father put on a show for the doctors and nurses." I tell him as I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. "No one in their right mind would allow parents to keep their children if they knew they were neglecting or abusing the kids."

His brows pull together in a frown and I notice his fists clench as I continue, "After we got home from the hospital, they went back to not caring about anyone or anything. I would wake up in the middle of the night to Lily crying. My mom and stepdad were passed out in the living room. Needles sticking out of their arms and bottles of liquor scattered across the floor."

"Why would they keep their children if they were abusive and didn't even want to take care of them?" He mumbles in anger, sounding like he's asking himself this question.

I shrug my shoulder and answer him anyway, "They were horrible people. I could never understand how someone would want to keep their child only to cause them pain in their lives. When Lily would cry, they would scream at her and tell her to shut up or they would try to hit her. She was only a baby so I took the beatings. A couple of times they actually did hurt her, but I protected that little girl the best that I could and I will continue to protect her until my dying breath."

Tears are now streaming down my face as I tell him about the past that I never wanted to think of again. I could see the anger building up as I tell him this. The way his eyes narrow, the way his jaw clenches, and the veins bulging out of his skin.

He moves closer to me and pulls me into his arms. His touch is gentle and his hold on me is protective as he coos softly in my ear, "Shh, it's okay. I got you, amore"

Being in his warm embrace instantly calms me down. I take a few deep breaths and move my head back a little bit to look up at him. He gently cups my face and wipes my tears away with his thumbs before kissing me on my forehead.

I look into his eyes as I continue, "I was sixteen when she was born. I was just a kid. Not only did I get a baby sister but I also got a daughter and Lily got a sixteen-year-old mother. I didn't get to have the love, care, and attention that children should get from parents but I wanted Lily to have that."

"I stopped going to school completely after she was born because I couldn't leave her alone with them. When I turned eighteen, I left and I took Lily with me. The physical and mental abuse we got from them daily..." I pause for a moment at the memories before sighing. "I couldn't take it anymore and I didn't want Lily to grow up with what I had to."

"I waited for them to leave the house. Then I took all of the money that they used for their drugs and alcohol and I left with her. Now you know, I may not have given birth to her but she is still my daughter. I'm the only person who has ever cared for her and I'm the only mother figure she's ever had." After I finish speaking, I let my tears fall again as I bury my face in his chest and he holds onto me tightly.

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