Chapter 51 - 🖤

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Some people have said that they get uncomfortable with sex scenes so for the remainder of this book, I'll be adding "🚨" when one starts & when it ends because I'm "So nice."😉

If you catch any spelling mistakes throughout the book, please let me know. Sometimes, I don't always catch it myself.

•Roxie's POV ~

My eyes travel over everything around me, taking in every single detail. Thousands of red and black rose petals are surrounding the ground that we're on. A round table with two chairs across from each other sits only a few short feet away. Candles are lit with a vase of Lily flowers in the center.

We're currently standing right in the center of Times Square. There are no cars or people anywhere in sight. It's completely deserted aside from Damon and I in the middle of the street.

The tall buildings that are surrounding us have slideshows with images of Lily, Damon and I. The buildings also have changing lights, making everything red, blue, purple, orange, green, yellow and many more colors.

"Roxie." Damon calls out from behind me.

Tearing my eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of me, I turn around and my eyes drop, landing on Damon who is currently on one knee, holding a small red velvet box out.

Inside, is a black ring with a diamond in the center, a smaller diamond on either side of the big diamond and a bunch of miniature diamonds going along the ring itself.

Inside, is a black ring with a diamond in the center, a smaller diamond on either side of the big diamond and a bunch of miniature diamonds going along the ring itself

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I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. My palms are sweaty and my legs feel like they'll give out from underneath me at any moment.

Damon takes a deep breath, looking deep into my eyes, "Roxie, when I first saw you, I was immediately captivated by you. This happened in my club and we were surrounded by people watching us. After I finally got you to agree to a date and we went out, I met your beautiful daughter, my princess. You girls changed my life and me without me even knowing it. At this point, I don't even care anymore. I need you both in my life and for you girls, I would give you the world with the snap of a finger. I would walk through fire if it meant that you both wouldn't get burned, swim the biggest oceans if it meant that you both were safe on land and freeze to death in a blizzard if it meant that you both would be warm."

I feel tears fall down my face and I swallow the lump in my throat. My heart is thumping wildly in my chest, I'm sure Damon could hear it loud and clear.

He grabs my hand in his before continuing, "I know our current situation is difficult but baby, I want you. I want a family with you and I want a future with you or I don't want a future at all. I want Lily to be my little mafia princess and I want you to be my mafia queen. I want everyone to know that you both are mine."

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