Chapter 47 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

My eyes stay on this guy standing in front of Roxie and I. He's looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"Look, I came here to have a good time." He crosses his arms over his chest. "She's the one I want to have a good time with so, do you mind?"

His eyes travel to Roxie and he looks her body up and down with a slight smirk on his face.

Is this fucker kidding me?! Now I'm really going to fucking murder him!

Turning Roxie in my arms, I lean down and place a lingering kiss on her forehead, never taking my eyes off of this dude.

"Go to my office and close the door behind you, baby." I tell her, my tone leaving no room for argument.

She slowly turns and begins walking to my office, leaving me alone with the guy.

He looks at Roxie walking away before looking to me again, "What the fuck is your problem dude?!"

He obviously doesn't know who the fuck he's speaking to.

Making eye contact with another nearby bouncer, I nod towards Andy and he quickly walks over. He grabs his arm and starts to pull him to the back of the club while Andy shouts and tries to push the bouncer away from him.

I roll my eyes and follow closely behind them. Once we get outside, the bouncer throws Andy to the ground and takes a step back.

I walk up to Andy as he quickly stands and balls his fists up beside him.

"You don't want me to kick your ass man!" He shouts, making me burst into humorless laughter.

"You obviously don't know who the fuck I am so let me tell you instead." I say before landing a hard punch to his left cheek.

"I'm Damon Knight, boss of the American Italian Mafia and soon to add the Colombian Mafia." I tell him, making his eyes go wide and fill with fear.

"I'm s-sorry Mr. Knight, I didn't kn-know!" He apologizes as tears start to build up in his eyes.

I pull out my gun from behind, "I wasn't really supposed to tell anyone about that last part yet but I guess it's fine since you'll die anyways."

He shakes his head and turns before running away. Quickly, I aim my gun at my target and shoot, making him fall to the ground.

Bingo! Right in the blowhole!

I walk up to him and roll him onto his back with my foot.

"My ass!!! You shot me in my ass hole!!" He yells out in pain.

"I know, exactly like I said I would if I were to ever see you." I tell him, making him look confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He cries out, one hand still under his ass.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!! You were trying to pull some shit with my girl!! I find a piece of paper with your name and number on it inside of her purse so I decided to kill you if I ever saw you." I bend down and put my gun in his mouth.

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