Chapter 58 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

I resist the urge to literally throw someone through the fucking wall right now. I've done some shit before in my life, but this? How sick in the head does one have to be to attach a decapitated head to a seven year olds fucking stuffed animal?!

Looking inside of the box again, I notice a note placed under the stuffed pony's body. I stick my hand inside and grab it out, before reading it aloud.

I wanted to send a congratulatory gift for your wedding. You didn't think that we wouldn't find out, did you? I must say, bravo on the security. The gift that I sent you is meant to be for two people... well, three people. The bottom half of your gift is for the happy couple. I figured that little Lily flower might be missing her pony. The top half, that is for my dear, Vanessa. I know you know who this head belongs to. The man was terrible and never wanted to follow any rules, but he was one of mine nonetheless. Do make sure that you keep his head safe, darling. I'll be collecting it from you specifically.
Your dearest friend,
The Russians.

I crumble the paper up in my hand and drop it back into the box, just as, V, walks up to me and looks at the head.

She looks it over for a few seconds before realization crosses her face, "That's the man that I shot at the club. Are they really mad because I killed him? I basically did them a favor. They obviously didn't have the balls to do it themselves."

"Mark, take this shit out of my house." I tell him angrily, while running a hand down my face.

"Yes, boss." He says, before grabbing the box and walking out of the front door, with Theo following closely behind him.

"What are we going to do?" Kole asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

"There isn't shit to do about them right now. We don't even know where the fuck they're staying!" I yell, in frustration.

Kole lets out a deep sigh, "Maybe I could try to do some more digging on them. It seems impossible that we'll even find something, but it's worth a shot."

"Yeah, you go fucking do that." I say, while narrowing my eyes at him.

Kole walks out of the living room and a few minutes pass by in silence, before I hear a voice that I haven't heard in a while, "Why does everyone look like someone died?"

I turn towards the living room doorway and a smile makes its way to my face, "Charlotte."

She smiles widely and runs into my arms, hugging me tightly, "I missed you, you stupid dope!"

"Why must you always bring death into a conversation?" Another familiar voice asks, before she walks into the living room, too.

"Why must you always talk so proper, like if you're the queen of fucking England?" Charlotte asks, mimicking Sarah's tone.

I pull away from, Charlotte and walk up to, Sarah, before pulling her into my arms. She returns my hug, placing a kiss on either side of my cheeks, and then pulls away after a few seconds.

Charlotte and Sarah are identical twins. They're both my cousins, daughters of my, Uncle Felix. I haven't seen them in years. When I sent out the invitations to them for, Roxie and I's wedding, they never called or reached out, so I assumed that they weren't going to make it.

Sarah turns back to Charlotte, her voice soft and polite, "Mother is from, England."

Charlotte raises an eyebrow and mimics, Sarah's tone again, speaking like if she's royalty, "Well then, I say we shall all sit down and have a cup of tea in the garden. What do you think, dearest cousin?" Her eyes land on me, as she curtsies and holds a hand out. "Would you mind accompanying such a lady as myself to my seat?"

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