Chapter 32 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

I stand here in the kitchen with my jaw dropped to the ground. Apricot's head is still turned to the side from the bitch slap she received from Val.

In the corner of my eye, I see Val wrapping up her hair in a messy bun which, I'm sure means that she's about to fight fruity pebbles over here.

I don't even know what to do or if I'm even supposed to do anything to begin with.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Apricot yells at Valentina, finally coming out of her shock.

I blink a couple of times and watch as Val removes the rings she's wearing, minus her wedding ring.

"I have no idea what the fuck you're doing here but I guess it's a good thing you are, since I finally get to do this." Val places her rings on the counter behind her and walks back up to Apricot before throwing a punch, right in her nose.

Apricot screams out and throws her arms up to cover her face while Val keeps throwing punch after punch. If my hand wasn't broken and I didn't have all of these wounds, I would have definitely been the first person to hit her.

I can't help but feel like Val is fighting my battle for me, since Apricot really didn't do anything to her personally, she did it to me.

Val grabs a fistful of Apricots hair before throwing her to the floor and dragging her more into the kitchen.

I had no idea why she was doing that but my question was answered, when I saw Val open one of the kitchen drawers and pull out a spatula before she started hitting Apricot with it.

"Don't. You. Ever. Disrespect. Me. Or. My. Family!" She yells at her while hitting her with the spatula when ever she finishes saying a word.

"Stop!" Apricot screams out, while curling up into a ball.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Asks a male voice.

I turn my line of vision to the doorway of the kitchen and spot Theo, who's standing in frozen shock, watching Val beat Apricot with a spatula.

"Don't just stand there, do something." I tell him, making him snap out of his shock and nod his head before running back out of the kitchen.

I know I didn't do anything either but there's not really much I can do with healing wounds and a broken hand. Plus, I do not want to get in the way of Val while she's busy giving an ass whooping mom style.

A few minutes later, Damon and Enrique come running through the door with Theo following behind them. They all take in the scene in front of them with either mortified or shocked expressions.

I turn my gaze from the three of them, back to Val, only to see that, somewhere between the time Theo left to when he returned with Damon and Enrique, she somehow ditched the spatula and switched to a rolling pin.

Damon's the first one to speak up, "Mom, stop!" He tells her while rushing to her side and grabbing her arms to stop her from beating Apricot any longer.

"What the hell is she doing in here?!" Val yells to Damon while pointing the rolling pin in Apricot's direction, making her flinch as she scrambles away from her.

"She was supposed to be locked up in a damn room." Damon says frustratedly. "Who the fuck let her ass out?" He asks while clenching his fists.

"Marcus." Theo spits out with no hesitation.

"I heard my name being called." Marcus chimes in while walking proudly into the kitchen, not aware of what just happened in here. "What do you want?" He asks Theo while crossing his arms over his chest.

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