Chapter 26 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

So many thoughts and questions are running through my mind.

She's pregnant?

With Damon's child?

When were her and Damon together? I thought he was only seeing me.

She can't be pregnant with his child. She has to be lying... but what if she isn't? What if she's telling the truth? I don't know what I'd do.

Lily is already calling him 'daddy'. She's already attached to him. I don't want to separate her from him.

The sound of Apricot's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, "Please don't start crying. Looking at you like this is really depressing."

I turn my head to the side and blink away my tears since my wrists are tied to the chair.

I need to be sure she's telling the truth. Even if I don't know for certain that it's Damon's baby, I need to know that she's at least telling the truth about her pregnancy.

I look to her again and wipe away any emotion from my face and voice, "Let me see your stomach."

She furrows her brows and glances at the wall while shifting from one foot to the other, "What? Why?"

I shrug my shoulder and slowly sit up straight, "If you're pregnant then there should be a bump. Let me see it."

She narrows her eyes at me before lifting up her black hoodie and T-shirt, revealing her stomach. Turning, she let's me see her stomach from the side.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and slouch back down in the chair a little too fast, making me wince from the pain that shot through my leg.

A little blood comes out from around the knife that's still stabbed in my leg.

I look back to Apricots stomach just before she pulls her shirt and hoodie back down.

It's small but it's there. At least I know she wasn't lying about being pregnant.

"How far along are you?" I ask her, defeated.

"Two months." She answers without hesitation.

Two months ago, me and Damon had just started speaking to each other. It's possible he could have gotten her pregnant.

"You never told me you were pregnant with Damon's baby." Emily says while walking in front of apricot.

I totally forgot she was still here.

I watch and observe as both of them talk to each other.

Apricot rolls her eyes, "Well, now you know."

Emily clenches her fists by her side. A thought comes to mind and I tilt my head as a small smirk makes its way to my lips.

I clear my throat and they both turn their attention to me.

"I thought Damon was your man." I say while nodding my head in apricots direction.

She raises an eyebrow and speaks like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "He is."

I make my face into confusion, "Hmm.. but Emily told me he was hers."

Emily sends me a death glare but quickly removes it from her face when apricot looks at her.

"What is she talking about? You told me you wanted to kidnap her for me because she was trying to take Damon from me." She crosses her arms while raising an eyebrow at Emily.

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