Chapter 54 - 🖤

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(Fml! I spelled "Aisle" wrong in this chapter. Please ignore that.) 🤓

•Roxie's POV ~

For the past three days, Damon has had everyone working nonstop to get everything prepared for our wedding.

He's hired a bunch of different people and even though I told him that I was happy with a small wedding, he said that he wanted nothing but the best for me and that I should have the full experience.

He sent out invitations to a few people that he trusts. Tomorrow after we get married, I'll be meeting his cousins and his aunt. Andres and his son are also coming to our wedding, Luciana's dad and little brother.

Not that long ago, I found out that Luciana's brother, Sebastian, is nine years old. He and Lily are close in age and she's turning eight in one month. I'm hoping that they could turn out to be good friends since she isn't in school and she has no one around her age that she talks to.

"Hey, Rox." Axel says, as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hey." I greet him back with a smile.

"I wanted to ask if it's okay for me to bring a date tomorrow?" He asks, causing me to raise a brow.

"I thought you were going to be with Luciana. She doesn't really talk to anyone here and you two haven't even spoke to each other yet." I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

He rolls his eyes, "I have a girlfriend."

I look at him in shock, "You do?!"

"Is that so hard to believe?" He asks, taking a seat on the stool at the counter.

I shake my head, "No, it's just... you've never mentioned having a girlfriend before."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, I wasn't sure that it was going to last so I didn't say anything to anyone."

"How long have you two been together?" I ask, before taking a drink of water.

"A couple of months now. You know when I would always be gone and look all secretive?" He asks, and I nod my head. "Well, that was because of her."

"Hmm." I hum in silence as I think everything over. "I don't have a problem with you bringing her but you would have to tell Damon too."

He nods his head and gets up from the stool, "Thanks, Rox. Oh, before I forget, dad wanted me to tell you that he wants to talk to you about something important."

"Okay, I'll go look for him." I tell him, before he leaves.

After some time, I find Enrique in the library. He's sitting in a chair with a book in his hand.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I ask, causing him to look up from the book.

He smiles and nods his head as he gets up, puts the book down and removes his glasses.

"Tomorrow's the big day." He says, walking up to me with a smile.

I give him a smile back, "Yeah, it is."

"Are you nervous?" He questions, and I inhale a deep breath.

"A little bit, but I'm more happy than anything else." I tell him, while rubbing my arm.

He nods his head and puts his hands in his pant pockets, "So, the reason why I wanted to talk to you was because I wanted to ask about your father."

His words catch me off guard, my breath getting stuck in my throat, "Umm... w-what about my father?"

"Well, we know about your mother, but you've never talked about your father before." He states, his eyes and voice softening as he speaks.

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