Chapter 3 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

It's been two months since I've moved to New York with Lily. Vanessa has been coming over almost every day. Between the day we met up until now, I've been telling her pieces about our past. She's never judged me and I'm grateful for everything she does for us.

She's like a sister to me and an Aunt to Lily. She's family to us. Lily and her became very close. Lily calls her Aunty Nessie and Vanessa calls her Lil's or most of the time sweetie.

I'm cleaning the kitchen waiting for Lily to finish eating her breakfast. Vanessa said she would ask her boss about me getting a job at the club that she works at. I decided it was time for me to start working so I don't use up the rest of the money we still have.

I've gotten to know my neighbor over the two months that we've been here. She's a retired widow. She told me that her husband passed away serving our country. She even showed me pictures of him one time when I went over to her apartment with Lily.

I talked to her about me getting a job and she agreed that she would watch Lily for me while I went to work. I don't really like asking people for help. I've always preferred to do everything on my own but I do need someone to watch her. I wouldn't just leave her home alone for the six hours that I would go to work.

"Mama, I'm finished. Can I watch tv now?" Lily asked me while pushing her empty plate forward.

I smiled at her and nodded my head, "Yes, bubbles. Go ahead."

She took off and jumped on the couch before turning the television on. After I finished washing the dishes, I sat next to Lily and waited for Vanessa to text. She would let me know what her boss says.


•Damon's POV ~

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Knight." The man whom I was meeting with said as he shook my hand.

I just gave him a subtle nod instead of saying anything in return before putting on my sunglasses, turning around and walking outside to my car.

"Where to, Mr. Knight?" Asked Ken, my driver.

"Inferno." I answered him before pulling out my phone to text my brother, Jax.

"Yes, sir." He responds, driving off in the direction of my club.

Damon : I'm heading towards the club.

Jax : Need us to come?

Damon : No, it's nothing big.

Jax : Alright, we'll just go back to the house.

Damon : See you later.

I put my phone in my pocket and lean back on the seat. The car windows are tinted, preventing everyone outside from seeing in the car.

Traffic is terrible as always so it takes a while before I finally arrive at the club. When I enter inside, I make my way over to the bar where Vanessa is sitting.

"V, what'd you need to talk to me about?" I ask as I approach her.

She turns around and gets straight to the point as she says, "Boss, I have this friend who needs a job."

I look at her for a moment, waiting for her to continue but she doesn't. Rolling my eyes, I ask her, "Why are you telling me this?"

She sighs dramatically and continues talking, "Can she work here as one of our servers? She can start tonight."

I run a hand down my face tiredly, "You know I don't handle hiring the servers. I let Lucky do that since he's the main bartender. I still don't understand why you're asking me when you should be asking him."

She takes a deep breath in before speaking again, "She's just been through a lot and she's never really worked before. I wanted to tell you personally just in case something happened so you wouldn't be so hard on her."

I rub my temples, getting annoyed with this conversation, "You asked me to come here so you could ask if a woman who has never worked before can work as a server in my club?"

She nods her head enthusiastically and smiles brightly. I look at her as if she's just said the most stupidest thing in the world, "What the fuck do I look like to you?"

She groans and tosses her head back, "Boss, she's had a tough time-"

I cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "As does everybody else in the world."

She stands up from the stool and stops right in front of me with her chin up and eyes narrowed, "Boss!"

I stare at her for a moment, not breaking eye contact, "You're just going to keep annoying me until I agree, aren't you?"

She nods her head again with a determined look on her face.

Running my fingers through my hair, I give in and say, "Alright."

She instantly perks up and opens her mouth to speak.

"But!" I hold a finger up, stopping her from what she was going to say and tell her in a stern voice, "If anything goes wrong in my club because of her, I will personally hold the both of you responsible."

She looks down at the floor while saying, "Yes, boss."


•Roxie's POV ~

It's currently the afternoon and I'm making lunch for me and Lily when my phone beeps with a notification.

Nessa : Hey, babe. Just talked to my boss. You start tonight at ten.

Roxie : Thank you so much for this, Nessa.

Nessa : It's no problem. I'll meet you at your place tonight. We'll get ready and go together.

Roxie : Great. See you then.

I put my phone down on the counter and serve some macaroni and cheese in a bowl for Lily before saying, "Come sit at the table so you can eat, bubbles."

"Coming, mommy." She puts the remote down and jumps off the couch before sitting at the table.

"Eat all of your food." I remind her while placing a cup of apple juice next to her bowl.

"Okay, thank you." She says and takes a sip of her drink.

I sit down at the table with her and silently watch her as she eats. She shoves a spoonful of macaroni into her mouth, making her cheeks puff out. She looks like a cute little chipmunk.

Tonight is going to be my first time being without Lily for more than an hour. I don't know how I'm going to do it.


I'll see you guys in the next chapter but before I go, Gimme Kiss!😘

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