Chapter 43 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

The lights shut off after the sound of thunder blasts, causing everything to go pitch black. I hear glass breaking coming from the front of the house, which I'm currently near.

I'm in the restroom right now because I couldn't stop throwing up. I feel a lot better now so I rinse out my mouth and quickly wash my hands before walking into the hallway.

I place one hand against the wall and hold one hand out as I make my way down the hallway. After a bit, my eyes slowly start to adjust to the darkness so I could see a little bit better now.

"Bubbles!?" I call out as I walk into one of the rooms.

The only thing heard is the sound of thunder, the heavy rain outside and the whistling wind.

Looking around the room, I see that it's completely empty so I exit and continue searching for Lily.

After some time, I'm walking down a hallway that leads towards the theater room. I remember how everyone had said that they were going to watch 'frozen two', so I might as well check in there too and make sure that Lily stayed put when the power went off.

I come to a halt as I hear hushed voices coming out from one of the rooms that I was passing by. Turning around, I slowly and quietly walk up to the door and gently lay my head against it to hear the voices better.

"Mommy? Daddy? Auntie Nessie? Uncle Jaxie?" Lily whispers and I'm about to open the door and walk in, when I hear Marcus speak up.

"Samantha?" He whispers also, a little too loud.

I move my head back as I hear them both erupt into laughter on the other side of the door.

"We don't even know a Samantha!" Lily says through their loud laughing.

I put a hand over my mouth and laugh to myself before opening the door and walking in. Lily turns around, her laugh immediately stopping when she sees me.

"Mommy!" She yells as she runs into my arms and I lift her up.

Wiping some chocolate off of her face, I say, "I was looking all over the place for you bubbles."

"Uncle Marc said that we should stay in the theater but I wanted to look for you and daddy." She tells me with her soft, cute voice.

I place a kiss on her cheek before putting her on the ground again and grabbing her hand in mine, "Well, let's go look for everyone else now, okay?"

"Okay." She says and the three of us walk around in the dark together to look for everyone.

Moments pass by and we find ourselves in another big room at the back of the house.

"Maybe we should just wait here until the power turns back on." Marcus suggests as he and Lily both take a seat on the couch.

I walk back to the door and peak into the hallway before asking, "Damon doesn't have a backup generator?"

"Actually yeah, he does but it should've turned on seconds after the power went off." Marcus says with a confused look on his face.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Hmm... well, maybe I-"

My sentence is cut off when I feel something cold and hard press against my temple.

"Call out for help and I'll shoot." The male voice says as they press the gun harder against my head.

Marcus looks shocked and quicker than anyone can react, he stands and pulls out a gun before aiming it straight at the person behind me.

"You're making a huge mistake." Marcus tells him as he moves to stand in front of Lily who also got up off of the couch.

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