Chapter 37 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

"So, what to do with you now.." My mom says as we stand in front of Emily and the guy.

We had untied them from the chairs and made them stand up even though they were too weak to. Emily in her bra and underwear while the man is in his boxers.

My mom walks to the long table against the wall and looks over all of the things I use to torture people with.

"Mmmm... no, no, nope, seriously?" She says while picking up different things.

After letting out a huge sigh, she turns and walks back towards me, "You need different torturing objects."

"Where are you going?" I ask her as she walks to the door.

"I'll be back in a few short minutes." She tells me while opening the door before turning around, "Do not start without me."

I cross my arms over my chest and look at the two standing in front of me. Emily is just standing there, glaring at me while the guy is looking to the floor.

Pablo is still tied up to his chair but we moved him a little more away from us so he doesn't get in the way.

After a few short minutes, my mom returns with a couple of things in her arms.

I watch as she places them down on the table and when I focus my eyes on the objects she brought with her, I roll my eyes when I see exactly what it is.

"Seriously mom?" I tell her while raising an eyebrow.

She shrugs her shoulders and grabs a short, thin extension cord before walking next to me again, "A mothers torture is always the best torture for people like these. We're missing one but your child she's carrying won't be able to protect her forever."

"Don't worry, I know she's the one you want more and if you weren't my mom then I would have definitely handled her by myself, along with these three." I say before taking two steps back so she doesn't accidentally swat me with the cord.

"Alright, enough chit chat." She tells me while stretching her arms, "What time is it figlio?"

I pull out my phone and turn the screen on, "It's seven."

"Good, we have exactly forty minutes before we have to get ready for dinner. Lucky for us, that's all I need." She turns her head to me, "Are you going to be getting rid of them when we're done here?"

I nod my head, "Yep, I have no use for them, the only reason they're still here is because of what they did to Roxie. They deserve to be tortured in the worst way possible."

"Fuck you." The man grits out before spitting in front of my shoes.

I don't waste another second as I move forwards and smash my fist into his jaw. He falls down with just that one hit but I don't stop, I bend over him and keep punching him in the face, over and over again.

The sound of his jaw breaking as my fist connects with it is heard as he tries to cover his face with his arms. After a few more seconds, I finally stop and stand up while he just lays there on the ground, his face already swelling.

"You're both disgusting, I can't believe I actually wanted you." Emily states while looking at me in disgust.

"Well, I can't believe how many hoes my son attracts but here we are." My mom tells her while holding her arms open and looking around the pit, as if she's showing off the room.

"Fuck off." Emily spits out to her.

My mom shakes her head, "Tsk tsk tsk, such potty mouths we have. Your parents obviously didn't do a good job raising you."

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