Chapter 44 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

We've all been sitting in the living room for a few hours now, waiting on news from the doctor to see how Marcus is doing.

It's nearly daylight outside already and Lily is asleep in my arms. Damon walks over and stands right in front of me, causing me to look up at him.

"Here, let me put her to bed." He says while reaching down and gently grabbing her out of my arms.

Lily makes a couple of light noises but wraps her arms around Damon's neck before immediately going limp again.

He turns and walks away, making his way upstairs to lay her down in her comfortable bed.

Suddenly, my stomach lets out a growl and I release a sigh.

"I'm going to grab something to eat." I say to no one in particular as I stand and head towards the kitchen.

Once there, I walk to the fridge and open it up before pulling out a variety of different items and placing them on the counter. Opening the pantry, I do the same thing before making my food.

After I'm finished, I sit down at the long table in the dining room by myself, looking over the delicious food that I prepared for myself.

In front of me is plates that have bacon covered in maple syrup, buttered eggs with ham and cheese, french toast, pancakes with peanut butter and syrup, chorizo and bean tacos, hash browns, cinnamon rolls, strawberries with whipped cream, banana split ice cream and two large cups of caramel frappes.

"Why didn't you tell us you were making some for us too?" Theo asks while everyone except for Damon walks into the kitchen.

I raise an eyebrow at him as they all sit down around the table. Kole takes a seat next to me on my left while the seat diagonal from my right side stays empty as it's Damon's place at the head of the table.

Once everyone is seated, they all start trying to reach for the food. I quickly stand up and slap all of their hands away as quick as I could.

They look at me with confused faces but move their hands away before I slowly sit back down in my chair.

"This food belongs to me." I say while eyeing them all carefully.

Everyone except for Kole looks at me as if they didn't know if I was joking or not.

I am most definitely not joking. I created this delicious looking setting in front of me and I'm going to be the one who makes it disappear too.

Well, me and my baby but the only person who knows about that apart from me and Dr. Greene is Kole, which is why he didn't look at me like I was crazy when I said that all of this food was mine.

"You're really just going to eat all of that by yourself?" Theo asks while looking at the food laid out.

"Yep." I say, after taking a bite of my steamy taco.

"You're not even going to share just a little bit of your food?" He asks before letting out a sigh.

"No, she's not." Damon's voice speaks, making me look up to see him walking in with a woman following quickly behind.

She has short, dark brown hair, she's wearing a long black dress and she looks to be in her fifties or so.

"This is Abbey Rhodes. From this day forward, she'll be the head maid." Damon tells everyone before taking his seat.

She bows her head once at everyone before turning around and silently walking to the kitchen.

"Any news from Dr. Williams yet about Marcus?" Jax asks Damon as soon as Abbey completely leaves the room.

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