Chapter 46 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

With all of my strength, I elbow the person behind me in the stomach, making him release his hold on me.

Quickly, I turn around and come face to face with...

"Kole?!" I yell out in shock.

He groans while clutching his stomach, "You're stronger than you look Roxie."

"What the fuck are you doing?! You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!" I angrily tell him while running my hands through my hair.

He stands up straight and walks in front of me, "I'm sorry but I saw you leaving the house alone so I followed you."

I look at him in disbelief, "Really?"

"Roxie, you know you're not supposed to leave without informing anyone." He tells me while shaking his head.

"Since when was I supposed to ask for permission to leave?" I ask while crossing my arms.

He walks closer to me, "You don't need to ask for permission. I'm just saying that it's dangerous and you should have told someone that you wanted to leave. A guard could have came with you, you're just lucky that I followed you and nothing happened. Did you forget what happened at the club and to your apartment?"

I drop my head as I take in what Kole just said. He's right, I'm being careless when I said that I would do every and anything to protect my unborn baby and Lily. I can't let anyone know that I met up with Jenny though.

I don't know the full truth about her family but seeing as she was scared if anyone was to ever find out that we met with each other, I know it's something bad.

I've known Jenny since I was in high school so I know that she would never do anything to intentionally hurt me or Lily. I just can't figure out why Frankie would lie to me about their family though.

Kole gently grabs my chin and lifts my head up, "Just, don't leave without telling anyone again. Enough has already happened, let's try to keep the drama to a minimal for a while, okay?"

Looking into his eyes, I slowly nod my head before he places a light kiss on my forehead.

Why did he do that?

He pulls away and I clear my throat, awkwardly taking a step back.

"Come on, let's get you back home." He says while grabbing my hand in his and pulling me along with him.

Once we make it back, I head to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I didn't know that Kole had followed me until after I placed my purse on the counter and I was looking through the fridge.

"You hungry?" He asks, making me turn to face him.

I nod my head and he rolls up his sleeves, "Have a seat, I'll make something for you."

"You don't have to, I could do it myself." I tell him but he doesn't listen.

He grabs my arm gently and pulls me away from the fridge, "Tell me what you feel like eating."

I stay silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and answering, "Enchiladas."

He turns and starts grabbing all of the ingredients to make enchiladas. After some time, he's finally finished and he sets a plate down in front of me.

"Thank you." I say as I grab the fork and start eating.

He stays in the kitchen with me and when I'm finally done eating, he takes my empty dish and washes it. I stand up and start to exit the kitchen but Kole stops me by grabbing my hand.

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