Chapter 28 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

"Wake up baby!" I pull Roxie in my arms and hold her tight while turning her face to me with one hand. "Open your eyes gorgeous!"

She lays still in my arms, not moving an inch. I see a tear slide down her cheek and I'm confused for a moment before I realize, that's my tear on her cheek.

I never cry.. I'm the boss of a mafia. I'm not supposed to cry but yet here I am, holding onto my girl for dear life and allowing the tears I never would've let fall, escape.

I look up to see Apricot groaning on the ground, holding her shoulder, "Get her and those other two fuckers out of here and back to the pit now!"

A few of my men nod and immediately grab the three of them and drag them out of the room.

When apricot pulled the trigger, she shot Roxie in the stomach. My finger instantly squeezed and I shot her twice on the shoulder.

If she is pregnant with my kid, I would keep the baby and kill her right after without a second thought. Since I don't know if she's telling the truth yet, I only shot her in the shoulder.

I meant to only shoot her once but my finger was itching to squeeze again so I did. She's lucky I was able to stop myself from pulling the trigger a third time.

I stand up and lift Roxie in my arms, carrying her bridal style. Running to my car, I place her in the passenger seat and head to the hospital, going full speed.

Once I get there, I pick her up again and run into the hospital.

"She needs to get to surgery right now!!!" I yell, making every turn to me.

Some people are just standing there shocked, so I gently lay Roxie down on a gurney and pull out my gun before shooting twice in the ceiling.

Everyone screams, ducks and runs.

I aim my gun at some doctors, "Get her to fucking surgery now before I blow your fucking heads off!!!"

They quickly drop everything in their hands and run to Roxie before pushing the gurney that she's on as fast as their legs can take them.

I speed walk with them but one of the doctors stops me at a door while the others continue running, "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to wait here. We can't allow anyone without authorized access to enter."

I grab him by the collar, push him against the wall and put my gun under his chin, "Do you have any idea of who the fuck you're speaking to?!"

"Y-yes Mr. Knight, I'm sorry but I can't allow you to pass." He shuts his eyes tightly.

Before anything else can be done, my fathers hands grip my shoulders from behind and pulls me away from the scared doctor.

"Let the doctors do their jobs figlio." He tells me calmly.

"If anything happens to her, I will shoot everyone who worked on her." I say in a low, threatening voice. "Get your ass in there and make sure she stays alive."

He quickly nods his head and runs off to the O.R Room, bumping into people on his way.

I put my gun in the back of my pants, then run my hands over my face out of frustration.

"She's going to be okay. You brought her here as fast as you could, now all we have to do is wait and hope for the best possible outcome." My dad rubs my back but I don't want to be touched, not unless it's her touching me.

I move away and let out a scream of frustration before punching the wall, making a huge hole in it.

My dad lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair but doesn't say anything. No one can say or do anything to make me feel better.....

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