Chapter 40 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

Laying down next to Lily on the hospital bed, I move in closer to her small body as tears stream down my face.

She's resting right now. She didn't inhale too much smoke from the fire that could damage her lungs or airways and she didn't get burned or hurt in any other way, thanks to Val and Enrique. I haven't visited them yet since the doctor brought Lily in Peds.

Ness went out into the hallway a while ago to make some calls. I don't know what caused the fire or how it even happened in the first place but I have a strong feeling that this was no accident.

Val and Enrique wouldn't let something like this happen. I just know they wouldn't and the thought of that makes my stomach turn and honestly, scares the hell out of me.

The door to Lily's room swings opens, making my eyes snap up to see Damon taking huge, fast strides towards Lily's bedside. I immediately stand up and move back as he gets to her side and leans down, placing his hands gently on her face and softly caressing her cheeks.

I take this time to look at him as his attention is fully on Lily. I haven't seen him since I took lily and left from his place a month ago. Just looking at him gets my heart beating faster in my chest.

As I look at him, I see a couple of different emotions written all over his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, showing that he's worried. The way he releases a low sigh lets me know that he's most likely relieved that she's okay. Last but not least, the most evident emotion that's always apparent on Damon's face, Anger.

He keeps clenching his jaw, his shoulder muscles are tense and there's a blazing fire in his eyes that makes shivers run up and down my spine. Damon looks just about ready to murder anyone who says the wrong thing.

Suddenly, he looks up and his eyes land on me. I stand up a little bit straighter as he turns his whole body and makes his way towards me.

"Ba-" He starts to say but cuts himself off, "Roxie."

I inhale a deep breath while looking into his eyes, "Damon."

He lifts his hand to my face, making me flinch. I don't know why I did that. I've never flinched with Damon before. I know he won't hurt me, at least not physically.

Confusion flashes across his face and he holds my face in his hands, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I tell him without hesitation.

He moves in closer to me, making me step back until my back hits the wall, "I know something's wrong, tell me."

"I said nothing's wrong." I say as I grab his wrists so I could remove his hands from my face.

His eyes snap down and narrow onto my arm, "What the fuck happened to your arm?"

I look and see that a huge bruise is forming from when the guy at the club grabbed me.

"I asked you a question. What the fuck happened to your arm? Why do you have a big ass bruise?" He questions me, venom laced in his voice.

I stay silent and he brings his hand back up to my face and rubs his thumb on my temple, "I actually thought this was just smoke but it's not. Did you get it when you got that other bruise too?"

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