Chapter 38 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

Everyone watches Apricot as she walks towards the table. She takes a seat next to Marcus and he instantly scoots his chair away from her as if she has the corona virus.

"Why you have to sit next to me for?" He asks while eyeing her up and down.

"Shut the hell up." She snaps back.

"Wait, who the fuck let the beast out of her cage?" Ness asks while narrowing her eyes at Apricot.

Apricot scoffs, "Don't worry about it hoe."

"Fucking tramp! I will jump across this table and slash a bitch." She says, venom laced in her voice as she places her hands flat on the table, ready to pounce.

"Enough." I say sternly, making it go silent.

I turn in Damon's arms and look into his eyes, "What is she doing here?"

"She's only out of her room because she's pregnant and so she could walk around, that's it." He tells me while caressing my leg.

"I didn't ask why she was out of her room, I asked why she's in this room with all of us when we were supposed to be having a 'family dinner'. She isn't our family, she's just some woman you ended up getting pre-" I bite my tongue since lily is still here with us.

"Mommy, who is she?" Lily asks while pointing at Apricot.

"She's no one important. Just one of your daddy's old.... friends." I tell her, all the while looking straight into Damon's eyes.

His grip on me tightens and I place my hands over his, trying to remove them from my waist and leg.

Apricot lets out a loud laugh, "Oh, did you both not tell her?"

My head immediately turns in her direction as a smirk forms on her face.

"Shut the fuck up." Axel speaks up, slamming his hands on the table.

Val, grips the fork in her hand as she stares down Apricot. Damon's hold on me loosens a little bit as his body tenses and Ness still looks like she's about pounce across the table.

"Young lady, I suggest you shut your mouth before you regret it." Enrique tells her, low and threatening.

"What are you going to do about it father in law?" She asks, still wearing a smirk.

Val stabs the table with her fork before saying, "Don't you dare call my husband that. You're not apart of this family nor will you ever be."

Apricot lets out a laugh and turns to lily, "I'm pregnant with your daddy's ba-"

Something in me snaps and I cut off the rest of her sentence when I reach over, grab a fistful of her hair and smash her head down on the table. She lets out a scream while holding her nose and I jump out of Damon's arms to pull her hair, making her fall back to the floor along with the chair.

Dragging her out of the chair by her hair, I hear everyone else jumping out of their seats and yelling a bunch of things that I'm not paying attention to.

All I'm focused on right now is how I've been so angry all this time and I'm finally releasing it. I'm releasing it on one of the main people who made me so angry.

Apricot grabs my arms and pushes me off of her before quickly getting on top of me and trying to punch me.

"Get off of my mommy you fucking trap!" I hear lily yell, causing someone to laugh.

"No, it's 'Tramp' not 'Trap'." I'm assuming Marcus, corrects her.

"Oh." Lily says and I catch a glimpse of her tiny body running towards me.

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