Chapter 20 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

I hold Lily's hair back as she throws up in the bucket Damon is holding while tears fall from her eyes and she cries out in pain.

Just as we gently help her lay back down, there's a knock on the door before it opens. We both look up to see a pretty blonde walk in. She looks like she's in her thirty's.

Damon stands as she walks near the bed. I notice the medical stuff she's carrying in her hands. I guess this is his doctor, Emily.

"Hello Mr. Knight." She greets him with a small smile as she looks up at him through her eye lashes.

He ignores her greeting and points to lily, who's clutching her stomach. "I need you to see what's wrong with her immediatly and give her something to make her better."

She nods her head and quickly starts checking lily. After a couple of minutes, she stands up straight and turns to Damon.

"Would you like to speak in the hall Mr. Knight?" She asks him while placing a hand on his arm and biting her bottom lip.

Raising a brow, I could feel the anger inside of me rising. I saw how she gently gripped his arm but that wasn't my concern right now.

No, I was getting angry because she was focusing her attention on Damon and trying to speak to him alone when my baby is literally in pain. Her whole focus should be making lily better. Who the fuck does she think she is?

Damon opened his mouth to speak but I spoke before he could get a word out, "No, you will say what you have to say right here to me. I am her mother and if you don't help make my daughter better, you'll be the one in pain."

She looked me up and down quickly before plastering a fake smile on her face, "I'm sorry, umm it looks like your daughter has been poisoned. It isn't deadly, it's only a temporary poison. Side effects causes throwing up a lot, cramping, dizziness-"

"M-mama?" Lily speaks, interrupting Emily as she moves her head and looks around the room.

"Yes bubbles?" I say while stroking her head.

"Where's d-da-daddy?" She asks through sobs.

"I'm right here princess." He says while sitting next to her and holding her hand.

More tears roll down her cheeks, "Where w-were you?"

He gently brushes a piece of her hair away from her forehead, "I've been right here the whole time princess."

She grabs his arm and holds onto him with the little strength she has. "B-But you l-l-left."

"Confusion." Emily finishes off with a confused look of her own on her face while she looks from Damon to lily to me.

"Give her something to make her better." Damon orders her.

"Yes sir. It's in my car, I'll be right back." She says before leaving the room. A couple of minutes later, she comes back through the door and pours a liquid into Lily's mouth.

"Now, like I said before, she won't be in any danger of death but the medicine I gave her should help her get better quicker. She just needs to rest now. As for her being poisoned.. someone might have slipped some of it in her drink." She says while crossing her arms over her chest.

I look to Damon to see his jaw clenched tight, "You can leave now."

She hesitates for a few seconds but then runs out of the room when Damon gives her a death glare.

"Someone poisoned her on purpose?" I ask him once the door shuts.

He rubs a hand over his face in frustration and anger, "I'm going to find out who did this and when I do, I'm going to make them wish they were never born."

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