Chapter 31 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

As I'm walking down the hall to where Roxie's room is, I see a woman in the distance, coming out of her room.

I slow down my steps and see her lean against the wall next to Roxie's door while taking a deep breath. She runs a hand through her hair and elbows the wall that she's leaning on.

When I get closer to her, I open my mouth to ask her who she is and how she knows Roxie but her phone rings before I get the chance to. I slow down even more and pull out my own phone so it'll look like I'm not about to eavesdrop on her conversation.

"What do you want?" She asks who ever she's talking to on the phone.

She pauses and waits for the other person to finish talking before she speaks again, "I already told you that I'm at the hospital to visit a friend."

The other person says something else to her, which makes her roll her eyes and groan, "No, I don't need you to come. I'm going to the mall so I'll be back home later. I'll take a cab."

She takes a deep breath in before pushing herself up from the wall that she was leaning on and kicking it, "Ugh! Fine, if it'll get you to stop talking and leave me the hell alone already!"

She notices that a few people have started to watch her so she puts a piece a hair behind her ear and looks to the floor, "You know what, I have to go. You talk too much and your voice is giving me a head ache."

She immediately hangs up the phone, not giving the other person a chance to speak. I hear her mutter 'fucking idiot' under her breath while she stuffs her phone into her purse. Turning on her heels, she starts walking in the opposite direction from the side of the hallway that I'm coming from.

I didn't know Roxie knew anyone else. Not thinking anything about what just happened, I continue walking again and knock on the door before entering Roxie's room.

She looks up when I walk in and let's out a breath of air, then looks down at her hands again.

I walk to the chair on the side of the hospital bed and take a seat.

"I bought these for you before I came to see you again." I tell her while holding out the variety of flowers I picked out for her.

I didn't want to get her basic flowers from a floral shop like everyone else so before I came over, I made a few calls to some people who would be able to get me some better ones today.

I've never gotten flowers for any girl before so the variety I chose consists of Anemone, Camellia, Gladiolus, Bougainvillea, Cyclamen, Peonies, Jupiter Dahlia, and Purple Gomphrena.

Basically, a mix of pink and purple flowers I have never seen before. To add even more to them, I had the lady who sold them to me sprinkle silver and gold glitter all over the flowers. You know, the way some flowers have glitter on them.. well, I had her do that to all the ones I bought.

She looks up at the flowers and her eyes widen a bit. She hesitantly grabs them from my hand and looks them over, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Thank you." She says quietly before laying them on her lap.

We're both silent for a few moments but I break the silence first since I know that I need to tell her about what the doctor said to me.

I clear my throat and reach over to gently grab her hand, careful not to hurt her since it's the hand that has a cast on it, "We need to talk."

She looks like she wants to move her hand out of mine but she doesn't.

"About what?" She asks, not looking at my face.

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