Chapter 62 - 🖤

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•Roxie's POV ~

My eyes land on, Apricot, who looks just as shocked as everyone else by what, Damon, just said. Instead of saying anything, she looks back down to her plate and continues to be silent.

"What do you mean she's going with us?" I question, furrowing my brows as I look at, Damon.

"I need as many men as possible to be guarding our home from the outside. All of our guards are going to be with us at the ball, and the rest of my men are ordered to stand outside to make sure that no one comes in." He says, looking straight into my eyes. "I don't give a fuck about her life, but she's carrying my baby and I'm not taking any chances."

"Damon, just take a moment to think this over." Ness says, before glaring at, Apricot. "You want this tramp to go to a ball with us, outside of this house, after everything that she's done? Do you really think just because she's been quiet, her snake ass won't try anything else?"

Apricot looks to, Ness, and finally speaks up, "I'm getting so tired of you already!"

"Not as tired as everyone else is with your existence." Ness snaps back, causing, Charlotte, to laugh.

"Enough!!" Damon shouts, and everyone goes silent. "I'm the boss and I've made my decision."

I move in Damon's lap and he quickly tightens his arms around me, pulling me back into his chest. He probably thought that I was trying to get off of his lap.

"Mom?" Jax says, in the form of a question, while looking to, Val, to see what she has to say about this.

She sits quietly in her chair, her index finger tapping against her chin as she looks at, Damon.

After a few moments of silence, she shrugs her shoulders and says, "I agree with him."

Enrique's eyes go wide in shock, "You do?!"

Val looks at, Apricot, and then nods her head, "Yeah, I do. Even if I didn't agree, it's not like anything I say would matter. He is the boss after all, remember?"

Everyone stares at, Val, in shock. We all know that if she didn't like Damon's decision, then apricot would not be going to that ball. It's no secret that she for sure doesn't like his decision. I mean, Val, probably hates, Apricot, more than anyone in this room.

The room is filled with silence and even, Damon, seems to be suspicious of his mother's words. Nobody says anything else regarding his choice of the unwanted fruit going with us.

Honestly, I would've preferred if she had stayed here. I'd like to distance my family from her as much as I can, but I understand why he decided for her to go with us. We have absolutely no idea what goes on in that possibly small brain of hers, so it'd be best to keep an eye on her.

It's not like she'd be able to do anything anyways. She'll have two bodyguards with her the entire time. It'd be completely impossible and stupid for her to try anything at all.

The rest of dinner goes by smoothly before, Apricot, is taken back to her room.

"We're going to head to bed already." Val says, as she and Enrique walk away hand in hand, not waiting for a response.

"It's time for you to go to bed also, Sebastian." Luciana speaks up, causing him to groan.

"I'm not tired yet." He tells her, folding his arms with a frown on his face.

"I know, but you still have to go to bed." She says, her soft voice filling the room. "You can go to sleep with me tonight."

He shakes his head, "I don't want to. I want to go with my flower."

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