Chapter 12 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

"Hey, man. Where were you last night?" Jax asks me as soon as I walk into the kitchen.

I roll my eyes at him and grab some coffee before asking, "What are you? My mother?"

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll find out later anyway." He takes a bite of his toast and then his eyes widen as if he just remembered something before telling me, "Oh, speaking of our dear mother... her and dad are coming over for Christmas."

I pick up my cup from the counter and take a sip of my coffee, "I thought dad said they were staying in Italy."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, well you know how mom is about family and holidays and all that."

I nod my head and ask him, "When did she tell you?"

"Last night. I was going to tell you when you got home but... you know." He gives me a pointed look and pulls out his phone.

"I was busy." I respond to him while crossing my arms over my chest.

He shakes his head and replies without looking up from his phone, "I never said you weren't. Oh yeah, and mom's organizing another New Years' ball."

I let out a sigh at the thought of another ball and rub a hand over my face.

"She's going to do it whether you like it or not. She does it every New Year. You can't try to talk her out of it again." He reminds me while leaning back in his chair with a smirk.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him in annoyance and place my cup down. "I'm going to change and take care of a few things. I'll meet you at the warehouse later tonight."

"Can I go?" I hear Axel ask from behind me.

I turn around to look at our little brother and raise my brow, "No."

"Come on, Damon! You said that I can start going with you all when I turn nineteen. It's been five months since my birthday and you still haven't let me." He complains like a little child does when they don't get what they want.

Narrowing my eyes, I tell him with a stern voice, "This isn't a damn game. Don't complain."

"I know it isn't a game. Just let me go this time." He says back stubbornly, not taking no for an answer.

Jax comes up beside me and places a hand on my shoulder, "Just let him go. You did say after he turned nineteen that he'd be able to get involved in the business."

I mentally groan and remove his hand from my shoulder before speaking with frustration as I walk away, "Fine, he can go but you're going to watch him and be responsible for him."

After changing and leaving the mansion, we head out to one of the warehouses. I get off the car and walk into the building dressed all in black. Everyone goes silent as they watch me.

"Is everything in the vans and ready to go?" I ask, not bothering to talk loud since everyone is quiet.

"Yes, boss." One of my men answers. "We've checked all of the boxes. Everything is inside and accounted for."

"Good. Let's go to the docks and get this shit over with. I have somewhere else I'd rather be at." I tell them before walking back outside to my car.

Axel goes with Jax and two of my other men while everyone else leaves in different cars. When we arrive at the docks, the men we're meeting with are already waiting. I get out of my car and make my way towards the two SUVs that are parked next to each other.

"Rodrigo." I greet the man once I'm standing right in front of him. Rodrigo is the leader of a small gang here in New York.

"I'm glad that you could finally grace us with your presence, Mr. Knight." He says back and I don't miss the sarcasm in his tone.

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