Chapter 22 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

"STOP!! Please, I'm sorry!"

"This didn't have to happen. You've always been loyal to me but you made a choice that put my girls in danger." I tell him with a calm voice.

"B-boss, please give me another chance." He begs.

I let out a sigh, "Elijah, Elijah... you know I don't give second chances."

He lets his head hang low in defeat as tears fall from his face and onto the ground.

I turn my attention to Pablo who is also tied to a chair, "So, why did you delete those two clips from the surveillance footage?"

He just stares at me and doesn't say anything. I narrow my eyes and walk closer, now standing directly in front of him, "Who's your boss?"

Nothing.. I'm starting to grow more and more irritated!

"We could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way.. which is it going to be?" Silence. "Who am I kidding... I never do shit the easy way." I say as I grab my pocket knife from my back pocket and stick it in Pablo's upper thigh.

It happened so fast, I don't even think he knew what was happening until the blade was in his thigh and he was screaming from the pain.

"You may be a sixteen year old kid but that doesn't change the fact that you had something to do with what happened to my princess.. so I'm not going to go easy on you at all." I grip the knife in my hand and push it down harder in his thigh while twisting it painfully slowly.

"I know you're the one who deleted the footage. I also know you're not really alone because according to my queen, you have a brother." He glares at me, trying to put on a brave face but I could see how frightened he is. His body is visibly trembling and I enjoy that.

"Now, let me go through this with you both one more time." I start walking back and forth as I talk more to myself than to them. "Elijah was out and saw Pablo in an alley. He offered to drive him somewhere but the kid said he had nowhere to go so Elijah's stupid ass decided to hire him without my consent. While they were supposed to be watching the cameras the night of the New Years ball the kid slipped something into Elijah's coffee, which allowed him to delete the footage with no distractions when some fucker approached my girl. I'm guessing sleeping pills since it knocked him out for a few hours. That also means Pablo knew the guy who went up to her."

I turn to one of the guards, "Ben, find Adam.. he knows what the man looks like since he was there with him and Roxie. I want him and a couple of other guys working on finding who that son a bitch is."

He nods and leaves the room immediately.

Turning back around, I continue from where I left off, "The next day, Pablo gave him more coffee which resulted into him passing out again. I can't say for sure who put the poison in my princess's drink but if I had to guess, it'd be you." I stop in front of Pablo and point my finger at him.

Shrugging my shoulders I say, "But then again, it could've been someone else. You could've been in the surveillance room ready to delete the footage as soon as that other person slipped the poison in the drink."

Turning to a few of my most oldest and trusted guards I tell them, "I want five men in the surveillance room at all times. Nobody leaves, nobody enters. I want you guys to watch every single other person in this mansion. If they look suspicious, get them and lock them up in here. I don't care who the fuck they are. Do not let anyone else know about this."

They all nod their heads and turn to leave.

Leaving me alone with Elijah and Pablo I turn my attention to Elijah, "You we're always loyal to me.. you just made a stupid rookie decision that resulted in my girls being in danger. So for that I'll make your death quick."

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