Chapter 68 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

I stare down at Roxie, my body frozen and unable to move. Blood starts pooling around her body right in front of my eyes and yet, for some damn reason, I'm still frozen in place.

I've seen blood more times in my life than a butcher and a police officer has put together. Though, none of the blood that I have seen has had an effect on me... until it was her blood.

Her blood, which is draining from her body and painting the concrete beneath her red. Her blood, that will leave a stain on this very spot and remind me of possibly one of the worst days of my existence.

Finally, I snap out of my frozen state when someone who is running by bumps into me. Had it not been for the situation that I'm in, I would've snapped the persons neck.

I hurriedly get on the ground and pick up Roxie's body in my arms, pulling her close to my chest. My legs are underneath her as I sit on the floor, cradling her in my arms.

My left arm is wrapped around her belly while my right arm holds her upper body and head up. I touch her back with my left hand and pull it back up. Roxie sees the blood on my hand and she gasps for air.

"I-is... is that bl-blood?!" She asks, already knowing the answer to her own question.

I wrap my arm back around her body and hold her tightly, "Don't pay attention to anything else. Just listen to me, baby."

"N-no, no, n-n-no." She frantically shakes her head as she cries in pain from her movements. "P-please, make it sto-stop."

My own eyes start getting blurry with tears and I try to hold her still, "Don't move, il mio amore. It'll hurt more if you move. Stay still, baby. Just look up and focus on me."

"Am I..." She pauses as she weakly reaches up and places her right hand behind my neck. "Am I going to d-die?"

I clench my jaw and shake my head, "Baby, listen to me." Tears fall down my face as I hold her body close to mine. "You're going to be alright. I'm going to get you to a hospital."

"Damon, I- I can't. It hu- hurts." She cries, looking up at me with pain and fear. "Pl- please don't leave me. I'm so s-scared."

My whole body shakes as I blink my eyes to clear my vision, "I'm not going anywhere, baby. You don't have to be scared, okay? I'm right here. You never have to be afraid when I'm with you."

She starts coughing and blood pours out of her mouth. The color is quickly draining from her skin.

"DAMMIT!!" I scream out in anger, before removing my left arm from around her body to pull my phone out of my pocket.

I quickly dial Kens number and put the phone on speaker when he answers after the first ring, "GET YOUR ASS TO WHERE I'M AT RIGHT NOW!! DRIVE STRAIGHT DOWN THE FUCKING ROAD FROM WHERE WE GOT OFF AT!"

"Boss, I saw everyone running and looking panicked. I'm already almost to where you're at. There's too many people running across the road." He immediately tells me, fear laced in his tone.

"RUN THEM THE FUCK OVER!!" I scream into the phone, as I see Roxie's eyes slowly begin to close. "NOW!! HURRY UP OR THE NEXT BULLET IS GOING INSIDE OF YOU!"

Before he gets the chance to respond, I hang up the phone, quickly put it in my pocket and wrap my arm around Roxie again.

"Keep your eyes open for me. Don't close your beautiful eyes." I softly tell her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

Roxie grips the back of my neck in her hand with the little strength that she has, making me pull my head back to look at her, "Damon, the b-baby. Please sa-save him. I ca- I-"

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