Chapter 19 - 🖤

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•Damon's POV ~

My face is buried between Roxie's breasts. I was having the best sleep of my life until I felt someone poking my shoulder.

I reluctantly pick up my head and look to the side at who ever fucked up my morning.

"Marcus." I say with a low growl.

He has his hand over his eyes. I look back down and see my Queen still asleep but her boobs are on full display.

"You get to wake up like that? Damn, I need to get myself a Roxie." He says under his breath.

"Get the fuck out before I shoot you in the leg." I tell him with anger surging through me.

"Look man, can you cover her up so I can move my hand?" He asks.

"No, now leave." I order.

"Damon, it's seven forty three a.m, come on man, you're always up before this time." He complains.

"Is my princess awake yet?" I ask while my eyes slowly start to shut again.

"No, she's still asleep too." He tells me.

"Do you know why that is?" I ask, irritated.

He hesitates a moment before answering, "Umm, because she doesn't have school?"

"Because she was up way past her bedtime last night fucking idiot! If she isn't awake, then I don't need to be either. Do you want to know why me and Roxie are still in bed?" I whisper yell so I don't wake her up.

He opens his mouth to speak but I continue before he could get a word out, "Because we stayed up all night fucking each others brains out."

"Yes.. I know. I was supposed to stay in the room next to yours but the only thing I heard was banging on the wall and her screaming 'daddy'." He says while scrunching up his nose.

I narrow my eyes at him before shoving my face in her breasts again, "Get the fuck out."

"You make her call you 'daddy'?" He asks while snorting.

"Marcus." I say in a warning tone.

"I gotta say, Roxie sure has some lungs on h-" I pick up my head, reach across to the bedside table and pull out my gun from the drawer before he could finish his sentence.

As soon as he hears the gun cocking, he turns around and removes his hand from his face while running out of my room.

Once the door closes, I put the gun back in the drawer and fall asleep in Roxie's chest again.

•Roxie's POV ~

I slowly open my eyes to the feeling of Damon's lips on my breasts. I look down to see him placing small open mouth kisses all over them.

I smile to my self and run my fingers through his hair as he moves upwards and bites my neck gently before running his tongue over that same spot.

He puts his hand between us and grabs his hard length, rubbing it over my opening.

"You're already wet and ready for me." He says with smirk before smoothly shoving his huge shaft deep inside me.

A moan escapes my mouth as he continues ramming himself inside me.

"Mmm.. harder." I tell him but he doesn't listen.

"P-please." I beg.

"Please what?" He asks as he squeezes my thigh.

"Daddy." I moan out.

He grips my thigh tighter and pounds all of him harder into me making me bite down on his shoulder so I don't scream.

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