Chapter 1

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It's the start of year four and I can't wait to go back and see my friends.

We have sent owls and all but it's not the same. I haven't had the time to see them as I and mum have been at the Malfoy Manor the whole term which wasn't so bad, I have always been close with the family.

Plus being at home all the time is hard on me and my mother, my father isn't here anymore, no he isn't in Azkaban he died fighting alongside Voldemort's followers as he was a death eater, he was tortured by the Ministry of Magic for killing the last Minister to help Voldemort have control.

I know what Voldemort is doing is wrong but I don't give an opinion about it to anyone as I have been instructed not to.

You see Voldemort is coming back, I don't know how or when all I know is it is this year and I will be told when by some old guy Professor Moody who isn't Professor Moody.

I am worried about his arrival though as I've been informed I have to become a death eater.

Of course, I don't want to be one but because my father is now not here I have to take over and become one as it was either me or my mum and she has been through enough.

I couldn't make her go through this as well.

Of course, she protests and told me it was okay and she can handle it but I was told it was up to me and my mind will not change.

Family comes first to me, no matter what.

I apparate from my manor to board the Hogwarts Express and my mother comes with me to see me off.

When we get there we see Narcissa Malfoy standing alone and I'm not even surprised Lucias Malfoy is not here, he never is.

My mother walks over to Narcissa and I wave at them both as I walk onto the train.

I walk a bit more until I get to where my friends are sitting.

I sit between Pansy Parkinson and Tracy Davis with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Marcus Flint sitting opposite us.

As I sit down and look in front of me Draco smirks making me blush and I look away at Tracy as she talks about what she did during the break.

I'm looking at her but not listening to what she is saying as I'm too distracted by Draco's leg touching the side of mine.

I only come back to reality when Pansy budges me with her arm, "Earth to Astrid, we asked what you did over the break," I shake my head so I'm no longer transfixed on the thought of Malfoy.

"Nothing just was at Draco's most of the time you know." I look over to Pansy and she rolls her eyes.

I give her a questioning look, "What's your problem, something I said?" she looks at me and then at Draco.

"I just don't get why you're always with Draco like it's not fair I'm never invited to his manor, I don't think anyone is actually."

She looks at Draco with a sweet smile that makes her look like a frog. "Darcy," she whines trying to be cute. "Why am I never invited to yours, I would love to see where you live and maybe your bedroom," I scoff at her pathetic attempt to flirt with him.

He chuckles dryly, "Never going to happen, I don't invite people around and if I did I wouldn't start with you, Parkinson."

He looks in my direction, "As for Astrid, she is an acceptation I guess, her family are friends with mine so my mother invites her around if you have a problem you can take it up with my mother."

Pansy goes silent. "That's what I thought," Draco says before the train stops and announced we are here. We all stand up and grab our stuff and walk off the train, to the carts that pull themselves.

Amazing what magic can do.

We all sit down and Draco takes the seat next to me and I hear a whining noise coming from Pansy, "I want to sit next to Dracyyyy." I huff and go to stand up and move across to the opposite side of the carriage as Draco places his hand on my thighs shaking his head no.

I sit back down and he keeps his hand on my thigh as I feel a burning sensation within.

Pansy stands there for a minute before Draco shouts for her to stop being childish and sit down.

She does listen and sits in front of him but instead of staring at him the whole way to the castle like she usually does she stares at his hand on my thigh looking extremely pissed off.

We pulled up to the castle and only then did Draco take his hand off my thigh.

He bends down to my ear as he is much taller than me, "Hey we need to talk, meet me in the common room at 1 everyone should be asleep by then." He moves back to look at me and I just nod my head yes.

He seems satisfied with my answer as he walks ahead with the boys Pansy on foot following him like a lost puppy struggling to keep up with his long strides.

I turn to Tracy as she laughs, "She needs to get a grip, he doesn't like her and she doesn't get that, I mean it's obvious he doesn't like her when he likes you." At the mention of him liking me, I stand dead in my tracks holding her back by the arm as everyone else walks past us and into the great hall.

"Sorry come again," I look at her like she has grown an extra head. She chuckles softly, "He likes you, just look at the way he looks at you," I shake my head no and she sighs, "Okay babe whatever floats your boat." I chuckle at her shit attempt at a muggle saying.

We chat away as we walk into the great hall and sit down with Pansy and the boys as Dumbledore makes his announcement like every year and the new students get sorted into their houses as we all cheers for the ones that are put into Slytherin of course.

Dumbledore then announces we will have some new people joining us for the year but we won't meet them till tomorrow after we have all freshened up and settled in for the new year.

New people, can't wait. Will do some good seeing some new faces this place has gotten a bit boring over the years with having the same old people here.

Dumbledore clicks his fingers and the feast in front of us disappears everyone huffs and puffs still wanting to eat as Dumbledore tells us all to go back to our common rooms and get some rest for tomorrow.

We get to the dorms and of course, I am sharing with Pansy and Tracy and I suppose the boys will be sharing theirs.

We all get ready for bed and I stay up waiting for it to turn 1 so I can go down and see what Draco wants. What does he want?

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