Chapter 19

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I wake up to my loud ass alarm going off that I did not miss, I am definitely going to miss sleeping in. I rub my eyes and lazily drag myself out of bed and over to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and dry my hair so I can straighten it when I get back to my room.

I go back into my room to sit at my table with a mirror and plug in my straighteners. I put on the radio to listen to what is going on in the wizarding world.

As soon as I start to part my hair and straighten it, I have to turn off the radio as all that is being said is the stuff that has gone wrong since Voldemort has come back and I don't want to hear about him a first thing in the morning.

I take a breath and finish my hair off. I put on some light makeup and get dressed into my Slytherin robes. After I'm ready and have packed my suit cases and bags I hear a knock on the door. I tell them to come in and in comes are house elf with a piece of toast.

She takes the plate back as I shove the toast in my mouth and eat quickly because I'll be late if I don't leave. "Thank you," I say to her and I leave to go downstairs, some people are horrible to their house elf's but I think they are really nice to be helping out for nothing even though that is their life mission or whatever.

I get downstairs to the living room where my mother is already waiting. She takes my bags and I drag my suit case through the fire place to Apparate to the station to get on the Hogwarts Express.

When we get their my mum gets me a trolly to put my stuff on because we will have to wait a while before putting my stuff on the train as we ended up being a bit early in the end.

I look around the see there are a few of the other Slytherin here as their parents are very on time for everything. Most of them are my friends and I nod my head at them to say hi because if I shout out hello then my mother and their parents will scowl me.

As people walk past they greet my mother because she is well known in the wizarding world just like my father was. I then see Narcissa and Draco waiting as well for the train. When they see us Narcissa moves Draco to follow her over to us.

I would rather not have to speak to him so I say hello politely to Draco so are parents don't ask questions and give Narcissa a hug. Me and Draco stand their with uncomfortable stares while are mothers speak. I think see Alex with Luna standing near by and I ask my mother if I can be excused which she says is okay. I said a quick goodbye to Narcissa and walk quickly over to Alex and give her a big hug when she sees me and opens her arms.

I speak to her and Luna for a while when I see Tracy walking over to us and I squeals a bit to loudly and hug her. Like I said I don't like hugging people but Alex is close to me so I let her and Tracy has been my best friends since the first year and the only other person I hug. Plus she doesn't like hugging that much either so we only do it when necessary like right now as I haven't seen her in what feels like forever.

Finally we are allowed to put are stuff on the train and get on ourselves, so I walk back over to my mother. She lets me know she has already put them on the train for me with the help from Draco. I thank her and give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek before I board the train and Nercissa walks past me as I give her a quick kiss on the cheek as well.

When I get on the train I see that everyone is already sat down. Draco is next to Blaise and Pansy is sitting on a seat by herself. Next to us are Alex and Tracy sitting on the end of the seats nearer to us next to Crabbe and Goyle. When I sit next to Pansy I glance at the girls who are already looking at me.

I give them a really look for leaving me to sit next to Pansy. Alex gives me a sorry look and Tracy laughs, "Rather you then us," I shake my head a laugh lightly at them as I don't blame them at all. I talk to them a bit to not have to talk to Pansy or see Draco.

Then I hear a high pitch irritating voice coming from beside me through Pansy, "I missed you Dracyyy, how was your summer." Without thinking I look at Draco and see he is already looking at me, all the memories from getting the dark mark, to being so close and doing the tasks Voldemort wants us to do. I shake my head and look away at Blaise and smile.

"Fine," Draco says obviously not wanting to talk anymore but Pansy tries to have more of a conversation with him but I but in and start a conversation with Blaise. Not to help Draco but to piss him off that I'm interrupting him and I most definitely am going to flirt with Blaise. "How was your summer Zabini," I ask with a flirtatious smile. "Good, I went out of town to meet some family so it was nice." He smiles at me, "How about you?"

I put my hair back behind my ear and look over to Draco who looks very annoyed at how flirty I am being. "Boring, I missed the girls and you obviously," I winked at him, making sure I didn't say names and said girls so Pansy didn't start. Draco now looks completely fuming at the fact I told Blaise I missed him and that I had a boring summer because most of it was spent with him."

Before we can carry on our conversation the Train stops for us to get off. We all get off and walk to the carriages, instead of sitting next to Draco like I usually do I let Pansy sit next to him and I sit in the middle of the girls. We all talk about are summers apart from Pansy and Draco as Pansy was pestering Draco but he wasn't listening at all and instead watching me and Blaise as we flirt amongst talking to the girls.

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