Chapter 29

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Snape has been Head Master for a while now and it's the same routine everyday. Everyone goes to their classes and when they are not in class they have to be in their common rooms. When we are eating in the main hall we are not allowed to talk and when we are to come in to be spoken to all together the tables and chairs are moved out of the room and we have to stand in lines in our house groups.

We marched down the Drand Staircase in formation, under the watchful eye of Amycus Carrow on an overhead balustrade. We stood assembled in the Great Hall, the teachers standing by us, as Snape, flanked by Amycus and Alecto, rose to the raised wooden platform on the Hall. "Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were sighted in Hogsmeade on 1 May, 1998." He bellows his voice loudly staring down on all of us, "If any of you attempt to aid Harry Potter into the Castle it will result in serious punishment." He goes through the severe punishment to if no one came forward with any information regarding Harry Potter's movements.

Suddenly his speaking is interrupted, Harry shockingly revealed himself, hidden, among the Gryffindors. Members of the Order of the Phoenix, led by Kingsley Shacklebolt promptly stepped into the Hall. Both Amycus, Alecto and Severus Snape pointed their wands at Harry. Professor McGonagall pushed Harry aside, and took his place as most of the teachers pointed their wands at Snape.

McGonagall the points her wand at Snape as he points his at her, she slashed her wand through the air. Snape, being faster, deflected her charm. She then waved her wand at a torch on the wall, making it fly off its bracket. The flames became a ring of fire that filled the corridor and flew like a lasso at Snape. Snape turned the descending flames into a great black snake that McGonagall blasted to smoke and turned into a swarm of daggers, which she directed towards him. Snape pulled a suit of armour in front of him, which the daggers sank into with echoing clangs. McGonagall starts to overpower Snape but only because he isn't trying as hard as I can tell he doesn't want to hurt her because he has known her for so long and they were friends.

His eyes land on me and Draco as he nods his head and swoops in a black cloud out of the window as it smashes and we all move back away from the falling glass.

McGonagall then takes Snapes place and looks down at all of us, "Mr Filch take the Slytherins to the dungeon and everyone one of age get ready for a war." I stand in shock as we are being punished because we are Snapes house. We can't protest though as we are quickly swooped away to the dungeon.

As everyone moans that we are locked up Draco pushes past to the front and casts a spell making the bars to the dungeon blast off. Everyone cheers as they run out and back up to Hogwarts to take part in fighting in the war.

Draco quickly kisses me on the lips, "Take cover and stay safe," he commands as he grabs Crab and Goyle leaving to the left and towards The Room of Hidden Things. I contemplate in following him but I decide not to and join everyone else in the war.

I get to the front and see Neville at the front of the dome that covers over the school to stop Voldemort and the Death Eaters and his other companions from entering. All of a sudden though it breaks and they come charging in.

Suddenly, Voldemort's voice rang through the hall and heard throughout all of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Voldemort informed the school that if they surrendered Harry to him by midnight, nobody in the school would be hurt. He wanted him to come to the Dark Forest to battle him once and for all.

I ran inside to see Hermione shouted Glisseo, causing the stairs her, Harry and Ron run down to flatten into a chute. They hurtled down it, went through the tapestry at the bottom, and hit the opposite wall. As the Death Eaters sped down the slide after them, Hermione cast the Hardening Charm, causing the tapestry to turn to stone and the Death Eaters crumpled as they hit it.

I turned and saw Professor McGonagall leading a group of enchanted desks to gallop past us into the fray, ordering into battle with a cry of "CHARGE!". The three of them put on the Invisibility Cloak and ran down the next staircase. As I stood there taking everything in and wondering where Draco was and if he was okay.

I walked around everywhere looking for Draco but he was no where to be found then suddenly I heard someone's heavy breathing and looked to see Snape's white face and I watch him as he tried to staunch the bloody wound on his neck. His black eyes widened upon seeing me and he tried to speak. I hush his as I can see he is in a lot of pain and a tear trails down my cheek. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Snape," I hold my hand over his wound for him but suddenly hear a noise.

Harry comes over and bent over Snape, "Take it", Snape says to Harry referring to his tear so he did and then left with a sorry at what is going on. Suddenly in runs my mother obviously catching word of Snape being injured, she hugs me tightly looking me over to make sure I'm okay and then bends down to Snape while crying. I then remember the book I had read from Voldemort and one of the spells was to mend a wound and I use it on Snape and luckily it worked. Thankfully he will live.

I ran to the main hall after making sure my mother and Snape were okay still looking for Draco amongst everyone else. I see Harry glancing at the entrance of the Great Hall, where people were kneeling beside the dead and comforting others, he takes a deep breath and leaves for the Dark Forest. I guess he has come to the conclusion that he must face Voldemort or more people will die.

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