Chapter 28

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Once they have all left to get away from Hogwarts before they are caught, Harry runs over to the balcony that Dumbledore had just fallen out of. I follow after him to look myself and see Dumbledore laid out on the floor very much dead.

Harry then pulls his wand out and to me, but then shakes his head and runs off after the Death Eaters, Snape and Draco. I go after him and them because Draco probably needs me right now and I need to talk to him.

We get outside where they are running towards the dark forest and past Hagrids. We catch up behind them but I can't see Draco anywhere. I look at Snape in worry, "Where is he Snape," I demand in worry as he comes over to put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Astrid he went back to get you," at least I know he wasn't going to leave me behind.

Before I can reply Bellatrix casts a spell and sets Hagrids on fire and laughs hysterically at herself. Snape walks over to her to have a talk with her about making their presents known when they are meant to make sure not to get caught.

I hear running from beside me and look to see Draco his eyes fixed on Snape instead of looking around, so he hasn't realised I'm even here. "We can't leave yet, I can't find Astrid. I am not leaving without her," he demands as I chuckle lightly at his sorry which makes him look over at the sound of my laugh and he smiles as soon as he sees me.

I walk over to him and he embraces me in a warming hug as if he hasn't seen me in ages. He then takes my hand and we start running with the other Death Eaters till we get into the forest so we can just see where Snape is still standing with Potter. They cast a few spells at each other as me and Draco stand and wait for him as he is basically my step dad so I am not just going to leave him in case something happens. He means to much to my mother.

He then casts a spell to get Potter down and runs over to us to leave. We all make are way to the Malfoy Manor where Voldemort and all the Death Eaters are including mine and Draco's mothers. We all sit down at the table and Snape tells Voldemort it is complete but doesn't say who completed it because Draco will be in even more trouble if Voldemort knew he wasn't successful.

Voldemort stands up and cheers as everyone else stands up and cheers with him. He abruptly stops laughing and commands everyone to sit down which they do as soon as they are told to. "Now that there is no head master, Snape you will take over Dumbledores place so I have an inside on what is happening and I can soon after take over." Snape agrees because he doesn't really have an option, Voldemort then turns to me and Draco, "You will both go back as normal and help Snape get everyone in order and tell him if anyone is doing something I will not be pleased with." We both say Yes Lord as we also don't have a option.

A bit more is said but I'm not really listening as I am still thinking about how Draco would have killed Dumbledore for me, because I messed up. I blame myself, if he has killed him he would have never been able to come back from it and it would scar him for life.

After the meeting has come to and end and Voldermort let's us leave me and Draco go up into his room. As soon as the door shuts he pulls me into a really tight hug which I really needed right now. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist as he bring us over to the bed laying me down on the bed as he rests himself above me.

He attaches are lips again and starts to unbutton my shirt as I unbuckle his trousers. He successfully unlatches my bra and played around with my nipples making them really hard. He then placed his mouth around it which made my back arch.

He starts to pull his pants down as I pull down mine and he swipes the top of his dick over my clit as are breath begins to get heavier and we look into each other's eyes. He then enters into me slowly as my mouth agars open and he smirks down at me.

He then starts to pump in fast and faster into me as I put my legs up and arch my back giving him a chance to grab onto my hips to move my body in sync with his. My legs start to shake and I am ready to cum.

"Please," I beg as I grip the bed sheets asking Draco to let me cum, but he starts to thrust slower, "No, I want you to beg for it," he says stopping me from letting go. I scream in pleasure as my legs start to shake more and more.

He chuckles at me and puts him hand over my mouth to quieten my moans, because everyone else in the Manor will be able to hear me as Voldermort and the Death Eaters have been living here for a while.

Finally his head falls and he thrusts into me one more time and I cum at the same time he does. He then takes himself out of me and lays down beside me as I wrap my legs with his.

I look over to him, "I'm sorry," he shakes his head and moves a strand of hair from my face and behind my ear. "I know you are but it's not your fault so I don't want to hear anything more about it." I go to protest but he catches my lips with his and I don't say anything else.

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